넌 취집 갈 사람 없어? 너 좋다고 따라 다니는 능력남.
Gye-sang is giving Jin-hee treatment.
☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요
백진희: 아 진짜 그 일만 생각하면 피가 거꾸로 솟아요!
Really, when I think of that, my blood flows backwards!
방송국 알바 잘리고 다시 백수되니까 스트레스 때문에
내 몽유병도 더 심해지는 것 같구요.
Because being fired from the television station gave me so much stress,
My sleepwalking condition became worse.
제가 너무 말이 많았죠?
Did I talk too much?
윤계상: 네. 좀 많네요. Yes, a little too much.
백진희: 네? 아, 죄송합니다.
Ah, I’m sorry.
윤계상: 농담이에요. I’m just joking.
근데 몽유병이 생각보다 위험할 수 있거든요.
By the way, sleepwalking can be more serious than you might think.
너무 스트레스 받지 말고 마음을 편하게 가지도록 하세요.
Don’t stress too much. Try to keep calm.
After Gye-sang leaves, they talk about him.
박하선: 와 그렇게까지 신경 써줘.
Wow, he’s so considerate of you.
백진희: 개매너인줄 알았는데 대개 세심하시더라구요.
I thought he was quite ill-mannered. Actually he is quite considerate.
박하선: 윤선생님 너 혹시 좋아하는 거 아냐?
Doctor Yoon, does he happen to like you?
백진희: 무슨 소리, 그럴 리가요.
What did you say? That can’t be true.
솔직히 의사에, 훈남에, 뭐가 아쉬워서.
Honestly, he is a doctor, and he is handsome, why would he like me?
Jin-hee squeals about an upcoming interview on the phone to a friend.
효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요
백진희: 별 기대 안 했는데. 일차 붙어서 좋긴 한데.
I didn’t expect too much. But I managed to pass the first round.
면접에 약해서. You know I’m not good at interviews.
근데 시은이는 취직했어?
Ah right, did Si-Eun find a job already?
친구: 걔 취업 포기했잖아.
She gave up looking for a job.
백진희: 진짜? Really? 왜? Why?
친구: 취직대신 취집하기로 했대.
She gave up finding work and decided to get a housewife job.
백진희: 취집? Housewife job?
친구: 결혼한다고. She is gonna get married.
나이 차이 좀 나는 사람인데.
To someone a little older than her.
시은이한테 자기가 먹여 살릴 테니까 일하지 말랬단다.
He told her not to work, and he said he would pamper her at home.
*pamper: to take care of sb very well and make them feel as comfortable as possible
넌 취집 갈 사람 없어? 너 좋다고 따라 다니는 능력남.
Is there anyone wooing you who is that kind of capable man?
Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net