[사랑비] 그때 그러고 간 게 마음에 걸려서잖아요.
☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요
In Ha catches just a glimpse of Yoon Hee and immediately recognizes her.
He chases her in the rain and confronts her.
Yoon Hee doesn’t recognize the soaking wet crazy person in front of her at first,
but quickly realizes who it is.
서인하: 맞습니까? Is it you?
살아 있었군요. You were alive.
살아 있었어요. You were alive.
Joon and Ha Na are taking cover from the rain under the canopy of a food cart.
정하나: 더 하고 싶은 말이 뭐에요?
What is it that you wanted to say?
서준: 한 번 끝이면 끝이라고.
Once it’s over, it’s over.
그러니까 우리 여기서 끝내고,
So we should end it here,
처음부터 다시 시작하자.
And let’s start all over.
정하나: 뭘 처음부터 다시 시작해요?
Start what all over?
서준: 그건…That’s…
근데 너 나한테 왜 자꾸 전화했었냐?
Why did you keep on calling me?
아르바이트가 그렇게 급했어?
Did you need a part-time job that badly?
그 아르바이트 별로 하고 싶지 않다며.
You said you didn’t want to do it.
정하나: 그건 … That’s …
아, 그때 그러고 간 게 마음에 걸려서잖아요.
I didn’t like how it ended up when you left.
뭐 끝이라는 둥 그렇게 화내고 가서…
You left saying that it’s over…
서준: 아, 그래. I see.
정하나: 왜 웃어요?
Why are you smiling?
서준: 그러니까 너도 나랑 끝이고 싶지 않았다는 거네.
So that means you didn’t want it to be over.
정하나: 네? What?
서준: 하긴 네가 어디 가서 나 같은 사람 만나겠냐?
I know, where else would you see someone like me?
그대로 끝내 긴 아쉬웠겠지.
I can understand why you didn’t want to let me go.
정하나: 아휴, 내가 지금 무슨 말을 하겠다고.
Gosh, there’s no point in talking to you.
[She pulls out an umbrella to walk away]
갈게요. I’m going.
서준: 너 혼자 가면 어떡해.
You can’t go alone.
난 우산도 없는데.
I don’t even have an umbrella.
정하나: 아, 맘대로 해요.
Suit yourself. That’s your business.
누굴 부르던가. Call someone.
Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net