[하이킥3] 그게 상처 부위가 엉덩이라…
Jin-hee receives a call from an elder who works at a small broadcasting company.
☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요
백진희: 전 아직 졸업 못했어요.
I’m not graduated yet.
I should get a job.
네? 저야 불러만 주시면 방송국 구경도 하고 완전 땡큐죠.
Really? It would be great if I got to work at the broadcasting station.
잔심부름이라도 좋으니까 꼭 불러주세요 언니.
It’s okay even if I fetch and carry for you.
*fetch and carry: be always doing small jobs for sb; act as if you were sb’s servant
If you’ve got any vacancies please inform me.
고마워요 언니. Thank you so much.
김지원: 방송국 요? Broadcasting place?
백진희: 응, 학과 선밴데. 거기 작가야.
Yeah, she was my elder at college.
She is a writer there.
김지원: 와, 그럼 언니도 거기서 일하는 거에요?
Wow, so you’re going to work there?
백진희: 그랬으면 좋겠는데, I hope so too,
모르지. I’m not sure.
김지원: 계속 그렇게 다니기 불편해서 어떡해요?
What if your condition keeps up like this?
*keep up: if rain, snow, etc. keeps up, it continues without stopping
병원 가기도 힘들겠다.
It looks hard for you to walk to the hospital.
백진희: 오늘부터 옆집 의사선생님이 와서 봐주기로 했어.
The doctor from next door will give treatment from today.
Kye-sang drops by to treat immobilized Jin-hee.
박하선: 누구세요? Who is it?
윤계상: 옆집인데요, 환자분 보러 왔습니다.
I’m the neighbor. I’m here to visit the patient.
◁해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요▷
윤계상: 그럼 시작해 볼까요?
So we’ll start now, okay?
우선 상처부터 확인해 볼게요.
First let me check your wound.
왜요? 어디 불편하세요?
Why? Aren’t you feeling well?
백진희: 저, 그게 상처 부위가 엉덩이라…
Well, my wound is on my butt…
윤계상: 알아요. I already know.
부끄러워하실 필요 없어요.
You don’t have to be embarrassed.
치료하는 건데요 뭐.
It’s only for treatment.
저희들한테는 엉덩이나 팔이나 다 마찬가지입니다.
To us, be it butts and arms, they are all the same.
백진희: 아 네 그럼… Well then…
윤계상: 조금만 더 내릴게요, 자세히 좀 봐야 되니까.
I’ll put down a little, need to observe carefully.
Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net