[10일 안에 남자친구에게 차이는 법] 사랑과 전쟁에는 수단을 가리지 않는다.
효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요
Benjamin No, no, no. This one.
And you get to wear the goofy-looking helmet.
아니, 아니. 이거에요.
그리고 이 멍청하게 생긴 헬멧을 써야 해요.
Andie This won't look goofy on me.
내가 쓰면 멍청해 보이지는 않아요.
*Silly; ridiculous
Benjamin It looks goofy on just about everybody.
Look at you. That's pretty damn cute.
There you go. You ready to go for a ride, Andie?
누가 써도 멍청해 보여요. 봐요, 정말 깜찍하군요.
됐어요. 달릴 준비 됐나요, 앤디?
Andie Are you ready to go for a ride, Ben?
당신이 달릴 준비나 됐나요, 벤?
Benjamin Get it! Get it! Yeah. Mmm. So, what do you think?
힘내요! 힘내! 됐어요. 어때요?
Andie About the food, or... you? 음식 아니면…당신?
Benjamin Both. 둘 다요.
Andie This is delicious... 음식은 맛있어요…
Benjamin Mm-hmm.
Andie ...and I'm still deciding. …그리고 당신은 아직 생각 중 이에요.
Benjamin Anything l can do to help? 결정하는데 도울 일이라도?
Andie Yeah, you could answer some questions for me, actually.
네, 몇 가지 질문해 대답해주실 수 있을 거에요.
Benjamin ''Some'' sounds a little too indefinite. I'll give you three.
몇 가지는 조금 막연하니까, 세 가지만 해요.
Andie What do you do for a living? 직업이 뭐에요?
Benjamin I'm in advertising.
I work mostly with alcoholic beverage and athletic equipment companies,
and I'm trying to break into the jewelry market right now.
광고 일을 합니다. 알코올음료나 운동장비 회사랑 같이 일하죠.
지금은 보석시장에 진출하려고 해요.
Andie Hmm... Saving the world, one keg party at a time?
음… 진탕 마시고 세상을 구하자?
* She alludes a kind of ad campaign slogan quoted from ‘Saving a life, one drop at a
Benjamin Yeah, something like that. What about you?
네, 뭐 그런 거죠. 당신은 요?
Andie What about me? 저요?
Benjamin Have I seen your work? 내가 본 적이 없으니, 무슨 일해요?
Andie l work at Composure. 콤포져 잡지사에서 일해요.
Benjamin Fastest-growing women's fashion magazine in the country.
I'm impressed. Saving the world, one shop-a-holic at a time, eh?
미국에서 가장 잘 나간다는 그 잡지사. 대단하군요.
‘ 실컷 쇼핑하고 세상을 구하자.’ ?
* cf.) workaholic / alcoholic
/ She is a shop-a-holic. She becomes restless if she’s not shopping on weekends.
Andie Hey, all right. Look here, Sparky,
l have a Master's in journalism from
My boss loves me, and if l do it her way for a while,
l can write about anything l want.
이봐요, 아저씨. 난 콜롬비아대에서 언론학석사를 받았어요.
직장상사가 날 좋아해요. 당분 간 그 사람이 원하는 걸 쓰면,
내가 원하는 기사를 쓸 수 있다구요.
Benjamin Like shoes? 구두 같은 거?
Andie No. No. Like alcoholic beverages and athletic gear.
아뇨, 알코올음료나 운동장비 같은 거요.
Benjamin Touche. Very nice. So, you think you got me all figured out, eh?
졌어요. 좋아요. 그래, 이제 다 알아내신 것 같아요?
*Used to acknowledge a hit in fencing or a successful criticism or an effective point in
argument.//펜싱〉 투셰, 찌르기/ 한 대 맞았다, 졌다. (원래는 펜싱 용어; 정곡을 찌른
비평·응답 따위에 대하여 쓴다.)
Andie Almost. Still got one last question.
거의 요. 하지만 아직 마지막 질문이 남았어요.
Benjamin Shoot. 하세요.
Andie True or false: all's fair in love and war.
맞다 아니면 틀리다: 사랑과 전쟁에는 수단을 가리지 않는다.
*Any conduct is permissible in certain circumstances, as in Of course he called her—
all's fair in love and war. This maxim, stated in various forms, today sometimes appears
altered by an addition or substitution, as in All's fair in love and the World Series, or
All's fair in love and war and an election year.
Benjamin True. 맞다.
Andie Great answer. 멋진 답변이군요.
Benjamin Good question. 좋은 질문이에요.
Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net
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