영화해설 샘플강의

[10일 안에 남자친구에게 차이는 법] 여자들이 연애하면서 하는 실수만 할거야.

mike kim 2021. 8. 6. 11:09


◀ 해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요




Michell      Oh, you are never going to pull this off.

                     절대 성공   .

*Accomplish, bring off, especially in the face of difficulties or at the last minute

《구어》 (노력하여) ~을 달성하다, 성공하다;[상 따위]를 획득하다;[경기]에 승리하다

/ "To thrive in this market, Apple must pull off a delicate balancing act."

   애플 사는 이 시장에서 성공하기 위해서는 절묘한 줄타기에 성공하지 않으면 안 된다.

Andie        Watch me. Tonight, I'll hook a guy.
pull the switch. Before the ten days are up,
I'm going to have this guy 
running for his life.
지켜 보라구. 오늘  남자 하나 어서 내일이면 그 남자 망연자실.
일도 되기 전에  남자 걸음아  살려라 할거다.

*hook; To take strong hold of; captivate

*pull the switch; Finish the relationship, devastating him.
/"Pull the switch" is what you do when you kill a criminal in an electric chair.
/"After 30 years of marriage, I decided to pull the switch and end it all.


*Depart as fast as possible, either to escape danger or to reach something quickly.

 Also, run for it./ Here come the police - run for it! 경찰이 온다. 달아나자!

/ The bully is coming after you--run for your life!


Jeannie     You're not going to burn his apartment down
or bite him or anything, are you? 
 사람 집에  지르거나 물어 뜯거나   아니지?

Andie        No! I'm going to limit myself to doing everything
girls do wrong in relationships.
Basically, everything we know guys hate.
I'll be 
clingy, needy...

              아냐! 여자들이 연애하면서 하는 실수만 할거야.
기본적으로 우리가 아는 남자들이 싫어하는 .
매달리고, 보채고

*liable or tending to cling; clinging/ a clinging child 매달려 떨어지지 않으려는 아이

Jeannie     Be touchy-feely. Ooh, call him in the middle of the night,
and tell him everything you had to eat that day.

              누가 보건 애정표현 진하게 하고. ,  밤중에 전화해서
  먹은   얘기하는 거야.

*(often derogatory) openly expressing love and affection (especially through physical

contact); 신체 접촉으로 동정을 나타내는


Michell      What's wrong with that? 그러는 게 뭐가 잘못 됐는데?

                 I'm kidding. 농담이야.


Phillip        Hello, Ben. What are you doing here?

                  안녕, . 여긴 어쩐 일인가?

Benjamin   Phil, I'm here for the meeting. Ladies.

                사장님, 회의하러 왔어요. 아가씨들.

J. Green     But you weren't invited. 하지만 초대받지도 않았잖아.

Benjamin   Yeah, but l should have been.
 I mean, it was my tip that DeLauer's shopping for a new firm.

              그래, 하지만 초대 받았어야 했지. 들라워가  광고대행사를
찾는 다는  내가 수집한 정보였잖아.

Phillip        Yes, it was, but l have to think in terms of who's best-suited
 within the company team.

              그렇지. 하지만 회사 내 팀 중에 누가 적격인지는 생각해 봐야지.

*in terms of; As measured or indicated by, on the basis of 의 점[관점]에서

Benjamin   Yes, sir, and that's me. l want to handle this pitch.

              맞습니다. 그게 접니다.  광고건 제가 처리하고 싶습니다.
*美구어》(세일즈맨 등의) 집요한 판촉 선전; (TV·라디오의) 선전, 광고

Phillip        Ben, you sell Joe Blow better than anyone else in my shop,
but these girls sell luxury better than anyone else in the business.
We have to 
put our best foot forward on this pitch.
DeLauer would be our biggest account.

              , 자네는 누구보다 평범한 건 잘 팔아. 하지만 이 숙녀들은 값비싼
물건들을 가장 잘 팔지
. 이 광고 최선을 다해야 한다네.
들라워는 가장 큰 고객이 될 거야.

*Also, John Q. Public; Joe Doe; Joe Doakes; Joe Zilch. An average undistinguished man;

also, the average citizen, here it means average items relating to his job.

*to do something as well as you can; try for the best possible impression, make a good

start /Make sure you put your best foot forward for tonight's performance

Benjamin   Yes, sir, they would.  Annual advertising billings of 50 to $60 million.
 And I am the man that's going to 
bring this home for you, Phil.

              , 사장님, 그럴 겁니다. 연간 광고비용이  육천만 달러나 되죠,
그리고 제가  건을 성사시킬 적임자라는 겁니다.

*Be successful, accomplish something of value [목적]을 달성하다; 성공하다; 이기다


Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net


효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요



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