영화해설 샘플강의

[금발이 너무해] 영어는 잠재적으로 남성우월적인 언어야.

mike kim 2012. 3. 13. 07:50

금발이 너무해
감독 로버트 루케틱 (2001 / 미국)
출연 리즈 위더스푼

영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요

ANID:  Oh, my God! 세상에!
ELLE:  Thanks for inviting me, girls. This party is super fun.
          초대해줘서 고마워, 얘들아. 이 파티 정말 신난다.
VIVIAN:  Nice outfit. 옷 멋지다.
ELLE:  I like your outfit, too. Except when I dress up as a frigid bitch...
          I try not to look so constipated.

          니 옷도 멋진데. 근데 뻣뻣한 심술쟁이 여자애 같이 입는 건 싫어…
          꼭 변비 걸린 애처럼 보여서 말야.

*An “outfit” is another word for a costume or set of clothing. If a women is “frigid,” she
is unable to become sexually excited, or more generally, she is cold. A “bitch” is a very
crude word for a mean or abusive woman. If a person is “constipated,” they are unable
to go to the bathroom because they are physically plugged up.
/ a frigid look/voice/politeness 냉담한 표정/목소리/공손

VIVIAN:  Oh, she's horrible. 쟤 정말 못 됐다.
VIVIAN’S FRIEND  You've got the ring, sweetie. 반지는 니가 가졌잖아.
MAN:  Nice ears. 귀 멋지다.
ELLE:  How you doin'? 잘 지냈어?
ANID:  Warner, Warner, the English language…it is all about subliminal domination.
          I mean, take the word semester. OK? This is a perfect example of this school's
          discriminatory preference of semen to ovaries. That's why I'm petitioning to have
          next term be referred to as the winter ovester.

          워너, 영어는 잠재적으로 남성우월적인 언어야. ‘학기’ 란 단어를 예로 들어 보자고. 
          이 학교가 남성을 더 선호한다는 완벽한 실례라고. 그래서 여성적인 단어로 바꾸자고

*A “semester” is a set of time that school years are divided into, often lasting about 20
weeks. If a policy is “discriminatory,” it favors one group of people over another.
“Semen” is the liquid that men have to carry their sperm, and “ovaries” are the sexual
organs that develop eggs in women.
*“To petition” is to officially request something from another person or organization.
  “Ovester” is a silly word that doesn’t exist, which looks more feminine than semester.

ELLE:   Excuse me. Hey, Warner.  실례. 안녕, 워너.
WARNER:  Wow! Well, Don't you look like a walking felony?
                 와! 이렇게 입고 다니면 안 잡아가나?
*A “felony” is a serious crime for which you can be sent to prison.

ELLE:  Thank you. You're so sweet. Are you having fun?
                 고마워. 여전히 다정하네. 재밌어?
WARNER:  I am, now. What's with the costume?
                     그럼. 그 의상은 뭐야?
*“What’s with…?” is a slangy way of asking a person why they are doing something, or
perhaps why something unusual is happening.

해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요

ELLE:  Oh, I just decided to dress up. 그냥 쫙 빼 입으려고 했지.
WARNER:  Really. 그랬구나.
ELLE:   You know, I feel like we barely get to see each other...since we've been here.
                 입학한 후로 우리 서로 얼굴보기 힘든 거 같아.
WARNER:  I know. I'm so busy with these case studies and hypos.
                 알아. 사례연구에 가상사건까지 공부할 게 너무 많아.
*In law school, “case studies” are summaries of important cases or trials, and “hypos
are made up facts that students discuss in order to analyze how the law would be
applied in such cases./ a case study 사례 연구

ELLE:  I know what you mean. I can't imagine doing...all this and Callahan's internship next year.
          That's gonna be so much.

            무슨 말인지 알아. 학과공부에, 캘러한 교수님 인턴 준비까지…너무 힘들 거야.
WARNER:  Elle, come on, you'll never get the grades...to qualify for one of those spots.
               You're not smart enough, sweetie.

                 엘, 그만. 넌 그 자리 차지하지 못 할거야. 그렇게 똑똑하지 않잖아.
ELLE:  Wait, am I on glue or did we not get into the same law school, WARNER?
                잠깐, 내가 지금 취한 거니, 우리 같은 학교 다니는 거 아녔어?
*To be “on” an illegal drug such as marijuana is to be under its influence.
Unfortunately, “glue,” which is a white sticky substance, is sometimes sniffed by people
in order to get high or stoned, the way people use marijuana. Unlike marijuana, it
probably causes immediate brain damage. / ls she on something?

효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요

WARNER:  Yeah, but 그래, 하지만…
ELLE:  But what? We took the same LSATs...and we're taking the same classes.
                 하지만 뭐? 같은 시험보고 들어왔고…수업도 같은 거 듣잖아.
WARNER:  I know, but come on, Elle, be serious. 
                You can do something more valuable with your time.

                알아. 하지만 잘 생각해 봐. 니 귀중한 시간 더 값지게 보낼 수 있잖아.
ELLE:  I'm never going to be good enough for you, am I?
                 내가 너한테는 늘 부족한 아이구나, 그렇지?
WARNER:  Oh, come on. 오, 제발.
ELLE:  Just forget it! I'll show you how valuable Elle Woods can be!
           됐어!  엘 우즈가 얼마나 가치 있는 사람인지 보여 줄 거야!

Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net

해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요

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                                효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요