영화해설 샘플강의

[금발이 너무해] 하버드에 오신 걸 환영하오.

mike kim 2012. 2. 17. 11:41

금발이 너무해
감독 로버트 루케틱 (2001 / 미국)
출연 리즈 위더스푼

영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요

ELLE(VIDEO) : And that's why you should vote for me...
  Elle Woods, future lawyer for the class of 2004.

                    이게 여러분들이 절 선발 하셔야 할 이유입니다
엘 우즈, 미래의 변호사.

해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요

ADMISSIONS GUY #1:   She does have a 4.0 from CULA
   and she got a 179 on her LSATs.

                                CULA 에서 평점이 4.0 이고
점수가 179점 입니다.

*City University Los Angeles


DEAN OF ADMISSIONS:    A fashion major? 패션전공인데?

ADMISSIONS GUY #3:     Well, sir, we've never had one before...
   and aren't we always looking for

                                   , 패션전공학생을 받아본 적은 없지만
우리 학교는 다양성을 추구하지 않습니까?

*A key word in modern American culture that refers to the variation and differences in

people lives, from their ethnic backgrounds (Asian, African-American, etc.), to their life

experiences (Doctors, athletes, etc.)

ADMISSIONS GUY #1:      Her list of extracurricular activities is impressive.

                              과외활동도 인상적입니다.

*A student’s “extra-curricular activities” refers to the things they do outside of class (sports, clubs, volunteer projects, etc). If something is “impressive,” it attracts attention or has the power to excite or cause admiration or reflection.

DEAN OF ADMISSIONS:    She was in a Ricky Martin video.

                                    리키마틴 뮤직비디오에도 출연했다면서요.

ADMISSIONS GUY #1:      Clearly, she's interested in music.

                                   분명히, 음악에도 관심이 많은 학생입니다.

DEAN OF ADMISSIONS:           She also designed a line of faux fur panties...
      for her sorority's
charity project.

                                           여학생회 자선행사를 위해 인조모피팬티도 디자인했고.

*Faux fur panties” are underwear which is made of fake fur, instead of real fur (as a

way to help protect animals who are killed for their fur). // commit [make] a faux pas

수를 저지르다/ faux; <F false [fou]; faux pas 【명사】 실수, 과실

*A “charity project” is done to raise money for a “charity,” which is a non-profit

organization with a specific social goal, such as helping poor people.

ADMISSIONS GUY #1:      She's a friend to the animals as well as a philanthropist.

                                    동물을 사랑하면서 박애주의자이기도 하네요.

*An educated word for a person who spends lots of time and money helping other

people or charity organizations.

DEAN OF ADMISSIONS:    Elle Woods, welcome to Harvard.

                                    엘 우즈양, 하버드에 오신 걸 환영하오.

Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net

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