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[뱀파이어 검사] 몇 억이나 쳐 받았으면 돈 값 좀 해라 돈 값 좀.

mike kim 2011. 11. 2. 07:26

They are shooting a film on location:

A woman is in danger, running from an attacker.

He comes up from behind and stabs her, over and over.

She teeters on the edge of the pool, spilling a few drops of blood into the water.

영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요

감독: !  Cut!

! 시체가 숨을 쉬냐? 거품이 왜 올라와?

Hey! Does a corpse breathe? Why are there air bubbles?


여배우: 미안해요. I am sorry.


감독: 몇 번째냐 이게? How many times now?

날 샐래? You want to waste the whole night?

아침에 해장국 먹고 바이바이 할까?

Do you want to share a breakfast in the morning and wave our goodbyes?


여배우: 미안하다니까요.  I said I was sorry.


감독: 몇 억이나 쳐 받았으면 돈 값 좀 해라 돈 값 좀.

Why don’t you start working for the money you’re getting paid.

너한테 준 돈으로 불우이웃 도왔으면 보건복지부 표창까지 받았겠다.

If I helped the needy with the money I’ve given you,

I would’ve received an award by now.


여배우: 그럼 지금이라도 교체하든가.

Then why don’t you find a replacement?

난 더 못 찍어요. 피부 망가져.

I can’t shoot anymore. My skin is getting ruined.


해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요

감독: 이게 뚫린 입이라고 말이면 단 줄

Just because you have a mouth, you can’t say anything you want…


제작자: , 왜 이래 차감독.

Come on, why are you doing this Director Cha?

그냥 이걸로 쓰고, 거품은 CG로 지웁시다.

Why don’t we just go with this take

and we can get rid of the bubbles using CG programs.


감독: CG?

CG는 돈 아니냐? Hey, isn’t CG money?

맨날 제작비 없다고 엥꼬났다고 징징대면서

You complain everyday about using up the production money…

이런 거는 또 관대하다?

But you’re OK with this?

아 너네 둘이 뭐 그렇고 그런 사이야?

Are you two involved or something, huh?


효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요

제작자: 너 정말 이럴 거야?

Are you really going to be like this?

막말로 너 때문에 투자 받은 것도 아니잖아!

It’s not like I was able to get the investors because of you!


감독: , 좋아. 아주 둘이 다 해 쳐 드세요.

Fine.  Why don’t you two just go off and play together then?


제작자: 그만 합시다, 차감독.

            Why don’t you stop this, Director cha.


감독: 차감독님, 새끼야.  Mr. Director Cha, asshole.


여배우: 한번만 더 가죠.

Why don’t we give it another try? 

Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

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