한국드라마로 영어공부하자

[하이킥3] 이 브래지어 박쌤 거에요?

mike kim 2011. 10. 28. 06:29

Julien is content with his living arrangement,

but Ha-sun’s feeling a little uncomfortable having a man living with three single ladies.

영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요

윤지석: 줄리엔 선생 저 집에 사는 거 왜 그 동안 아무도 얘기 안 해줬어?

Teacher Julien lives right next door to our house,

why didn’t anyone tell me that?


안수정: , 몰랐어? Oh, didn’t you know?


윤지석: 몰랐지! Of course I didn’t know!

책 갖다 주러 갔다가 깜짝 놀랬네.

I was so surprised to see him there when I stopped by to return the book.


안내상: 근데, 진짜 저 집엔 여자만 있는데 왜 외국남자를 들여 놔?

That house is all women, why does a foreign man live there?


윤지석: 집 구해주려다 사기 당해서 집에 들였대요.

Heard that his room got deceived,

so just brought him home without any choices.

나만 완전 바보 된 기분이야.

I feel like I’m an idiot who only doesn’t know about it.


Ha-sun gets home from work.

박하선: 너 언제 왔어?

When did you come back?


김지원: 좀 전에. 피자 먹어.

I just came back. Have some pizza.


박하선: 안 그래도 저녁에 피자 시켜먹으려고 그랬는데.

Just in time when I want you to call for pizza.



Julien finds a bra lying around.

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줄리엔: 이거 누구 거에요?

Whom does this belong to?


김지원: 이거 언니 꺼 아냐?

Isn’t this yours?


줄리엔: 뭐가? What?


김지원: 이 브래지어. This bra.


줄리엔: 이 브래지어 박쌤 거에요?

Is this your bra, Miss Park?


Ha-sun is so embarrassed and she practically pulls a muscle leaping for it.

박하선: 오모! Oh my!


줄리엔: , 괜찮아요? Are you alright?


박하선: 괜찮아요, 괜찮아. It’s alright. I’m okay.


김지원: 소리 크게 났는데.

You fell to the floor with a loud thud.

효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요


Next morning, Ji-won is at table.

줄리엔: 박쌤은? What about teacher Park?


김지원: 어디 들를 데 있다고 일찍 나갔어요.

She said she wanted to go somewhere, so she left early.


줄리엔: , 근데 어제 박쌤 왜 브레지어 이렇게 가져 갔어요?

Why did she take the bra like that yesterday?


김지원: , 언니가 다른 사람한테 그런 거 보이는 거 조금 민감하거든요.

She is a little uncomfortable for letting other people see her stuff.

자기가 너무 말랐다고 생각해서 더 그러나 봐요.

She thinks she is too thin. That’s why she is always self-abased.

Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

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