영화해설 샘플강의

[시애틀의 잠 못 이루는 밤] 내가 두 분이 생각해 둔 신랑감일까?

mike kim 2011. 9. 27. 09:58

시애틀의 잠 못 이루는 밤
감독 노라 에프런 (1993 / 미국)
출연 톰 행크스,멕 라이언

They're carrying an armful of Christmas presents.
They put the presents in the backs of their two cars.

영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요

Walter  The tall one with red hair is your cousin Irene.
           빨간 머리에 키 큰 여자가 자기 사촌 아이린이지.

Annie   You'll recognize her by the disappointed look on her face.
           얼굴에 실망한 표정 보면 알 수 있을 거야.
Walter  Who was married to Harold who ran off with his secretary.
           비서랑 눈 맞은 해롤드랑 결혼했다지.

*cf.) He is happily married with four children. 결혼해서 애가 넷이다.
*“To run off” with a person is to go away with them.
It can imply, as in this case, in order to have a sexual affair.

Annie   But came back because Irene threatened to put the dog to sleep if he didn't.
          하지만 다시 돌아 왔어, 안 그러면 아이린이 개를 안락사 시키겠다고 협박했거든.
*“To put an animal to sleep” is a very gentle way of saying to kill them,
    often because they are suffering. 
안락사 시키다/ euthanasia, mercy killing, an easy death.

Walter  Your brother Dennis is a professor at Johns Hopkins. He's married to Betsy. 
          오빠 데니스는 존스 홉킨스대 교수인데, 벳시하고 결혼했고.
Annie   The most competitive woman in the world.
          남한테 뒤질게 없는 여자야.

Walter  I don't see how I'm gonna remember all this. 
          이걸 다 기억할 지 모르겠어.

*I don't see how that follows (from what you've said).
(당신 말로는) 어째서 그런 일이 일어났는지 알 수가 없다.

I don’t see why. 난 까닭[이유]을 모르겠다.

Annie   Oh, well, Walter, you will.  오, 월터, 기억할 거야.
Walter  Your Uncle Milton lost all of his money. 
          삼촌 밀턴은 전 재산을 다 잃으셨고.

Annie   And some other people's. 다른 사람들 돈까지.
Walter  In a pyramid scheme. Don't mention the IRS or the federal prison system. 
          Your mother's Barbara. Your father's Cliff. 

            피라미드 사업에 빠져서. 국세청에 연방교도소 얘기는 꺼내지도 말고.
           어머니는 바바라. 아버님은 클리프.

*A “pyramid scheme” is an illegal (and stupid) investment in which people gamble
on the hope that others will join the club in order so that they can make money
(A “pyramid” is a triangular structure shaped like those in Egypt,
and a “scheme” is often an illegal plan that is created by one person
in order to get money from others). 피라미드 방식, 다단계식

*The Internal Revenue System, which is the US government organization
   that is responsible for collecting taxes. 국세

Christmas lights twinkling as the two cars pull up in
front of a comfortable upper middle-class house and park their cars. 
They get out assembling presents.

해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요

Annie   My father has electric trains.
          아버지는 모형 전기기차를 가지고 계셔.

*Probably model electric trains.

Walter  Really? Am I what they had in mind?  
          그래? 내가 두 분이 생각해 둔 신랑감일까?

*=Am I the type of person they are thinking about?
/ Say definitely what you have in mind. 마음 속에 있는 것을 명확하게 이야기해라.
I have it in mind to ask her opinion when I see her.
   난 그녀를 만나면 의견을 물어보려고 생각하고 있다.

Annie   Oh, Walter, they're gonna love you. 
          오, 월터, 두 분 다 자길 맘에 들어 하실 거야.

                       영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭

Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net

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