잡지 4

유학생 유치로 분주한 영국의 대학: 이코노미스트 해설

Britain's universities and foreign students Hustling spires A psychological leap is needed—both in British academia and in Westminster Aug 5th 2010 *Hustling spires ; The City Of Dreaming Spires 꿈꾸는 첨탑의 도시(영국의 옥스포드를 상징)에서 dreaming spires를 hustling spires로 바꿔 표현한 것임. EMO OF FRIESLAND was Oxford’s first recorded foreign student, and since 1190 they have kept pouring in. Both sides have benefited: ..

웹서핑에 사로잡히면 우울증에 걸리기 쉽다: 타임TIME 해설

Study: Obsessive Web Surfers Are More Depressed By Alice Park Monday, Aug. 02, 2010 Mika / Corbis Spending hours on the Internet may trigger depression, say researchers from Australia and China. Numerous studies have documented the link between mental illness and pathological Internet use, though the majority have found that excessive online behavior tends to occur as a result of conditions such..

왔노라, 싸웠노라, 이라크에서 철수 하노라: 이코노미스트 해설

I came, I saw, I withdrew from Iraq Aug 2nd 2010, 16:42 by Lexington IN A big speech today Barack Obama said that American combat operations in Iraq will end as promised at the end of this month, by when he will have brought home more than 90,000 troops since taking office. This is not likely to do the Democrats much good in the mid-term elections, since the war in Afghanistan has meantime grown..

이코노미스트 Economist 해설; South Korea's industrial giants-The chaebol conundrum

South Korea's industrial giants The chaebol conundrum Korea Inc is back and booming. So it’s time to stop coddling the all-conquering chaebol Mar 31st 2010 | From The Economist print edition PERHAPS it is the result of being sandwiched between the imperial dynasties of China and Japan. It may have something to do with having a nuclear-armed hermit to the north. Whatever the reason, South Koreans..