☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요 It’s the day before Jung Rok’s wedding in 2002 and Do Jin, Tae San, and Yoon follow a crowd of soccer fans down the street to Min Sook’s house to pay their dues as groomsmen and earn access to the bride for Jung Rok. 도진/태산/윤: 함 사세요! Buy the hope chest! *hope chest (wedding chest) (주로 미) 젊은 처녀가 혼수로 장만한 물건(을 넣는 함). /bóttom dráwer (영) 혼숫감을 넣어두는 옷장의 맨 밑 서랍 : get togeth..