Hyung-woo asks suspiciously why Eun-jae never registered their marriage. ◁해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요▷ 이은재: 돈 부쳤어? Did you wire the money? 이게 뭐야? What is this? 연형우: 문맹이야? Are you illiterate? 이은재: 왜 또 이렇게 뾰족해? Why are you being so testy? 등본이 뭐 어쨌다고? What’s wrong with the copy of the resident registration? 연형우: 이상한 거 없어? Is there nothing strange about this? 이은재: 전혀 모르겠는데. I totally have no idea what you’re ..