영화해설 샘플강의

서로 헤치지 않고 같이 늙어 가라는 자연의 섭리 같은데요.

mike kim 2011. 10. 7. 09:55

비포 선라이즈
감독 리차드 링클레이터 (1995 / 스위스,미국,오스트리아)
출연 에단 호크,줄리 델피

영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요

Jesse          Do you have any idea what they were arguing about?
 Do you - Do you speak English?

                 저 사람들 무슨 일로 다투는 지 아세요? 영어 하세요?

Selene        Yeah. No, I'm sorry, my German is not very good.
Have you ever heard that as couples get older,
they lose their ability to hear each other?

                 . 미안해요. 독일어는 서툴러서. 부부가 늙어 가면 서로를
잘 못 알아 듣는 다고 하는 데
, 그런 말 들어 봤어요?

Jesse          No. 아뇨.

Selene        Well, supposedly, men lose the ability to hear higher-pitched sounds,
and women eventually
lose hearing in the low end.
I guess they sort of
nullify each other, or something.

                 아마, 남자는 고음 청취능력을 잃고 여자는 결국 저음부 청취능력을
잃게 되나 봐요
. 상대방 소리를 서로 중화시키거나 뭐 그런 것 같아요.

*His voice rose to a high-pitched falsetto. 그의 목소리가 가락이 높은 가성으로 올라갔다.

* Here it means women will have trouble hearing low-pitched sounds later.

Cf.) low-end; Cheapest in a line of merchandise: low-end subcompact cars.

In the USA, as well as in most developed countries, the low-end market consists of lower-priced products suitable for customers who are not willing or able to spend large amounts of money. In developing countries, some low-end products may be considered high-end or even luxury items.

/ With its thousands of factories pumping mostly low-end products such as cheap

electronics, toys and textiles, it is often called the world's workshop.

이 곳은 값싼 전자제품과 장난감, 섬유류 등 주로 값싼 물건을 만들어 내는 공장들이

수없이 많아 종종 세계의 공장이라고 불립니다.

*To counteract the force or effectiveness of. / To remove legitimacy.

; 결혼 무효 소송 a nullity suit.

*She's writing a dictionary or something.  그녀는 사전인가 뭔가를 쓰고 있다.

/ I saw some workers trimming branches around the wires outside. Maybe they cut the line or something. 내가 봤는데 어떤 인부들이 밖에 있는 전선 주변의 나뭇가지를 다듬고 있더라구요. 아마 전화선을 잘라 버린 모양이에요.

해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요

Jesse          I guess, nature's way of allowing couples to grow old together
 without killing each other. What are you reading? Oh, yeah.

                 내 생각엔, 서로 헤치지 않고 같이 늙어 가라는 자연의 섭리 같은데요.
뭘 읽으시죠?    , .

*The aging and death of leaves is nature's way of saving water and growth chemicals

from year to year. 잎의 노화와 죽음은 물과 성장 화학물질을 저장하는 자연적인

방법인데요. / cf.) It's best to let nature take its course. 자연의 섭리에 맡겨 두는 것이


Selene        How bout you? 당신은 요?

Jesse          Umm.  .

The books read by Celine and Jesse may have given them a sense of the other's inner

workings. Celine is reading a George Bataille anthology: Madame Edwarda, Le Mort

(The Dead Man), Histoire de LOeil (The Story of the Eye). Jesse has actor Klaus

Kinskis autobiography, All I Need Is Love. Bataille promotes intense experiences and

heightened awareness of them (both pleasure and pain); he emphasises the sensations

of life over rational thought and social order. Kinskis autobiography is lighter (less

intellectual, more populist), but he was famous for conveying intensity on screen and

living with passion. Bataille writes about deliberately seeking a life of emotional

intensity; so Celine is reading about the principle of a passionate life. Kinski lived

passionately; so Jesse is reading about the practice of a passionate life.

Jesse          Look, I was thinking about going to the lounge car sometime soon.
Would you like to come with me?

                 , 휴게차로 갈 까 했는데, 같이 가실래요?

*철도〉 (안락 의자·바 따위를 설비한) 휴게차.

Selene        Yeah. .

Jesse          Okay. 좋아요.

Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net

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