효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요 해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요
[Samantha] What? 뭔데 그래?
[Ian] I have to get ready, you know how important this meeting is.
준비해야 돼. 이 미팅 얼마나 중요한 건지 알잖아.
If it goes well, you know what that could mean.
잘 되면, 그게 뭘 의미하는지도 알거고.
[Samantha] Ian... 자기야…
[Ian] Sam, Please have mercy. 제발, 자비를 베푸소서.
[Samantha] You know that's what I was thinking that after you close the deal
and knock them dead... it would be a perfect time to step back, relax, and..
생각해 봤는데, 이번 미팅 멋지게 마무리하고 사람들 뻑 가게 하고 나면,
당분간 손 떼고 쉬자, 그리고 있잖아…
*close the deal; close on a sale or deal. Complete a transaction, as in Jack was delighted to close the sale. This term applies to such transactions as the sale of a house, also put as closing on a house, as well as negotiations leading up to a sale. The latter was also put as to close a bargain
*knock dead : Greatly amuse, astonish, or thrill someone, as in This new song will knock them dead.
*Step back: drop back, retreat. / to be not involved in something for the time being.
/It is necessary to step back from the project and look at it as a whole.
[Ian] and? 그리고 뭐?
[Samantha] and go to Ohio. I really want you to go to my mom's wedding with me.
오하이오로 가자. 자기랑 엄마 결혼식에 가고 싶단 말야.
You can meet everyone. You're not coming?
가서 가족 친지 들도 만나보고. 안 갈 거야?
[Ian] I tried to free things up, but you know how hectic work's been. I'm really sorry.
오붓한 시간 보내고 싶지만 일이 너무 바쁜 건 자기도 알잖아.정말 미안해.
*things: things that he can share with her like spending quality time with her.
/ free things up means ‘to make them available.’
/ We may be able to free up some money if we ask our creditors to extend the due dates
for our loan payments.
채권자들에게 원리금 상환날짜를 연장해 달라고 부탁하면 자금을 좀 확보할 수 있을 겁니다.
*hectic: Characterized by intense activity, confusion, or haste.
[Samantha] That's okay. 됐어.
[Ian] Look, I'm really sorry to let you down about Indiana.
이봐, 인디아나 같이 못 가서 정말 미안해.
* let sby down: fail to meet the hopes or expectations of sby
/ I won’t let you down. 실망 안 시킬게.
/ I needed you, but you let me down. 니가 필요했는데, 넌 날 배신했어.
/ Don’t let it get you down. 그런 일로 기죽지마.
/ Do you mind if I let down my hair. 솔직하게 얘기해도 돼요?
/ Don’t let Mike get you down, he’s not always unpleasant.
마이크 지긋지긋하게 생각하지마, 항상 불쾌한 사람은 아니니까.
[Samantha] Ohio. 오하이오라구.
*Ohio is bordered by Indiana on the west.
[Ian] Bugger, I'm sorry, again.
I'm just going to have to meet your mom at the next wedding.
이런, 미안할 짓만 골라서 하네. 다음 결혼식 때 만나 뵈면 되잖아.
[Samantha] What wedding? 무슨 결혼식?
[Ian] Ours. Next year. 우리 결혼식. 내 년에.
[Samantha] Me? Marry you?
A guy who confuses the Buckeye state with the Hoosier state?
내가? 자기랑 결혼해? 오하이오랑 인디아나도 구분 못하는 얼간이랑?
I don't think so. 천만에 말씀.
*Buckeye state : Ohio state’s nickname.
/Hoosier state: also Cardinal and Hoosier state, Indiana.
[Ian] I'm going to take a shower now. 나 이제 샤워한다.
[Samantha] Be my guest. 맘대로 해.
* Be my guest=Do as you wish.
[Ian] Sam? 사만다?
[Samantha] I am coolest . Ready for breakfast? Bon appetit.
Hey, I don't care how big this meeting is. You are going to eat.
역시 난 최고야. 아침 먹을 준비 됐지?
미팅이 중요하건 말건 아침은 먹어야지.
* A French phrase meaning hearty appetite/ I wish you a good appetite.
[Ian] Sorry, there's no time. 미안, 시간이 없어.
[Samantha] Aw, I'm such a klutz. 이런, 덤벙대기는!
* A clumsy person
[Ian] Show me. Better? 어디 봐. 좀 낫지?
[Samantha] Much. 훨 나아.
[Ian] Good. 다행이다.
Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net
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