영화해설 샘플강의

[프렌즈위드베네핏] 우린 두 번 밖에 안 잤잖아

mike kim 2018. 5. 1. 12:40


해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요


Jamie: Have you really never brought a girl home before?

전엔 집에 여자 데려온 적 없어?

Dylan: I brought you here. 너 데려왔잖아.

Jamie: I mean like a real girl. Not a friend.

진짜 여자말야. 친구 말고.

Dylan: A real girl? 진짜 여자?

Jamie: Yeah. .

Dylan: I guess not. Separation of church and state.

없는 것 같아. 종교와 정치는 분리해야지.

*The concept of the separation of church and state refers to the distance in the relationship between organized religion and the nation state. (sometimes "wall of separation between church and state")

Jamie: Ah, yes. Build up as many walls as possible. That's really healthy.

, 그래. 가능한 한 많은 벽을 쌓으시겠다. 아주 건전해.

Dylan: What, are you talking to me about walls?

뭐야, 나한테 벽 이야기 한 거야?

Jamie: Yeah. .

Dylan: What about you and your mom? You couldn't get me out of there fast enough

when she walked in on us.

너랑 네 엄마는 어떻고? 우리 그 짓 할 때 엄마 들어오니까 날 못 쫓아내 안달이더만.

Jamie: That was for your own protection. Okay?

I'm just surprised she didn't try to slip you her number or something.

그건 널 보호하려던 거야. 알아? 엄마가 너한테 전화번호 슬쩍 안 흘린 게 놀랍다.

Dylan: She did. She put it in my phone. Under "MILF."

그러셨어. 내 폰에 저장하시던데. 섹시한 아줌마라는 이름으로.

*Mom, I'd like to fuck; (속어) 매력적인 나이든 여자.

Jamie: Oh, my God. 세상에.

Dylan: It's cool, we only hooked up, like, twice.

괜찮아, 우린 두 번 밖에 안 잤잖아.

*Hook-up or hook up has several meanings:

/Making a connection between components in a system: An electrical connection, An electrical connector, A connection to water, sewer, or electrical utilities at a campsite

/Meet up, or making a connection between people: Slang term for courtship, especially of short duration, Casual relationship or casual sex

/In urban slang, a discount/ In urban slang, a drug dealer

Jamie: I'm starting to get a mental image.

그림이 막 떠오르잖아.

Dylan: Well, I have a video image.

비디오로 찍어 놨어.

Jamie: No. Just stop it. Just stop it. Just wrong. What?

안돼. 그만해. 그만. 잘못한 거야. ?

Dylan: Nothing. Just glad I met you.

아냐. 널 알게 돼서 좋아.

Jamie: Yeah, well, knowing you doesn't suck either.

그래, 널 안 것도 나쁘지는 않아.

Dylan: But I thought you said... 아까 그 말은

Jamie: I know what I said. Oopsie!

내가 뭐랬는지 알아. 오모!



Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net

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