Yoo-sun picks up extra work selling fruit juicers, which Seung-yoon suggests she sell them online. Julien, for instance, has a popular blog where he posts his recipes. ☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요 승윤: 두세요. 제가 할게요. Leave it. I’ll do it. 유선: 얘, 너 바지 꼴이 그게 뭐니? 좀 올려 입어라. What’s with your pants? Pull them up! 승윤: 이게 원래 이런 바지에요. 패션으로. This is how the pants were made. It’s trendy. 유선: 아이고 그게 무슨 패션이라고..