The queen dowager (Kim Young-ae) tells a story to one of her vassals, Lord Yoon Dae-hyung. She is the mother to King Seongjo, the current (and fictional) king. ☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요 대왕대비 윤씨: 태초에, In the beginning, 하늘에는 태양이 둘, there were two suns in the sky, 달 또한 둘이었다 합니다. and there were two moons. 허니, 낮은 너무 뜨겁고, Thus, the days were extremely hot, 밤은 너무 차가울 수밖에. and the nights too cold. ..