Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net
가격부담 없이 실전영어 능력 확실히 키워드립니다.
말 못하고 글 못쓰는 영어와 작별하십시오.
효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요
◁해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요▷
Chip Hi. I noticed your glass was getting a little low.
So I took the liberty of bringing you another
apple martini.
잔이 비어가길래 허락도 없이 애플 마티니
한잔 더 가져왔어요.
*take the liberty of ~ing : to do something without first getting someone's approval.
Sara Thank you. 고마워요.
Chip And I couldn’t help but notice you look a lot like my
next girlfriend.
제 여자친구가 될거란 느낌을 뿌리 칠 수 없군요.
* can't help but do ; cannot help ~ing
= be unable to do otherwise
Sara What is your name? 이름이 뭐에요?
Chip They call me Chip. 칩 이라고 부르죠.
Sara Aha, you can't get them to stop?
그 이름 부르지 말라 그러세요.
(= you can't get them to stop calling you 'Chip'?)
Joking ? he says that his friends gave him the nickname “Chip”
but she makes a joke saying “you can’t get them to stop
teasing you by calling you that name?” because Chip is
kind of a funny name for an adult...it is more like a kid’s nickname.
Chip That was funny. 재밌군요.
Sara Listen, Chip, I understand the courage it takes to
walk across the room and try to generate a relationship
out of thin air.
이봐요,칩, 이렇게 불쑥 와서 절 꼬시려는 용기는 가상한데요,
So don't take the following personally.
기분 나쁘게 듣진 마세요.
* the courage it takes to ; it takes courage to do something
* out of thin air; from an unknown place or source
cf.) into thin air(into the blue)
The report was here on my desk and now it's gone,
vanished into thin air,
*take the following personally ; If you take someone's remarks
personally, you are upset because you think they are criticising you.
Chip You have fantastic eyes. 눈이 환상적이군요.
Sara Thanks. Try to listen. 고마워요. 들어보세요.
This is no reflection on you.
I am just not interested.
싫다고 하는 소리는 아니구요.
그냥 관심이 없는 거에요.
But thank you for the compliment
of coming over.
그래도 몸소 와주신건 황송할 따름입니다.
* reflection ; An indirect expression of censure or discredit
* the compliment of coming over
-compliment = a formal act of civility, courtesy, or respect
/An expression of praise, admiration, or congratulation
여기선 전자의 의미.
e.g.) He did me the compliment of listening.
그는 친절하게도 내 말을 들어주었다.
Chip You are welcome. So do you like Cuban food?
천만에요. 쿠바 음식은 좋아해요?
Sara Chip, seriously, that was not a code for
"I wish you'd try harder".
칩, 내 말은 ‘더 노력해봐.’ 란 신호가 아니에요.
Chip Are you always so shutdown, and afraid
that the right man might make you...
항상 그렇게 닫혀 있나요? 그리고 두려우신가 봐요
제데로 된 남자가 당신을...
Alex ...feel like a natural woman? 진정한 여자로 만들어 주는 걸?
Sorry, I am late, honey. I couldn't get a cab.
좀 늦었지 자기. 택시가 안 잡혀서.
How was the meeting? 회의는 어땠어?
Sara Oh well, there was a beginning, a middle, and an end.
Nice to meet you, Chip.
머, 서론, 본론, 그리고 결론이지. 반가웠어요, 칩.
Chip You too. 저두요.
Alex Now on the one hand it is very difficult for a man
to even speak to someone who looks like you.
한편으로 남자가 당신 같은 여자한테 말 거는 게 어려운데
But on the other hand, should that be your problem?
다른 한편으론 그게 당신한테 문제가 되겠지요?
Sara So life is kind of hard all around.
그래서 인생은 고난의 연속이죠.
Alex Well, not if you pay attention.
주의만 기울이면 상황은 다르죠.
I mean you send out all the right signals.
제말은 당신이 제대로 신호를 보낸다는 겁니다.
No earrings,heels under two inches, your hairs pulled back.
귀고리도 없고, 굽 낮은 구두에, 머리는 뒤로 묶고...
You wear reading glasses, but no book.
안경은 썼는데 책은 없어요.
Drinking a grey goose martini, which means you have
a hell of a week,
마티니를 마시는 건 힘든 한 주를 보냈다는 걸 말해주죠.
and beer just wouldn't do it. 맥주로는 해결이 안되니까.
* a hell of a ~ ; By itself the idiom is ambiguous, for its exact
meaning depends on the context. "We had one hell of a time."
can mean either that we enjoyed ourselves greatly or that we
had an awful or difficult time.
e.g.) I met a hell of a girl on my way to work.
출근길에 끝내주는 여잘 만났어.
*beer just wouldn't do it ; If you say something will do or will do you , you mean that is of good enough quality to meet your requirements or to satisfy you.
e.g.) I don't think five grand will do it.
Kicking yourself won't do any good now.
We need a win , a draw won't do at all.
If that wasn't clear enough, there is always the
"fuck-off" that you have stamped on your forehead.
그것도 부족해, 이마에 “ 꺼져!”라고 써 붙여 놨군요.
*fuck off ; Go away, get out of here
Because who is gonna believe that there is man out there
that can sit down beside a woman he does not know,
and genuinely be interested in who she is, what she does,
without his own agenda.
모르는 여자 옆에 앉아서 아무 속셈 없이 이 여자 누굴까?,
뭐 하는 여잘까? 하고 궁금해 할 남자가 있을까요?
* without his own agenda = without his own secret intention
without his own reason for wanting to meet her
(in this case, to get a date with her)
Sara I wouldn't even know what that would look like.
그게 그렇게 보일 줄은 몰랐군요.
So what would a guy like that say?
그럼 그런 남자는 어떤 식으로 말을 걸죠?
Alex Well, he'd say my name is Alex Hitchens,
and I am a consultant.
이렇게 말하겠죠,
난 알렉스 히친스고 컨설팅 일을 해요.
But she wouldn't be interested in that,
하지만 그 여잔 관심이 없어요.
because she probably be just counting
seconds until he left.
아마 남자가 갈 때까지 시간이나 재겠죠.
Sara Thinking he was like every other guy.
남잔 다 똑같애 하면서...
Alex Which life experience has taught her is a virtual certainty.
그건 그 여자가 경험으로 터득한 사실상의 확신입니다.
But then he’d ask her name and what she did for a living.
하지만 남잔 여자 이름이며 직업을 묻겠죠.
And she might blow him off, or she might say...
무시해 버릴 수도 있고, 아니면...
Sara I am Sara Melas. I run the Gossip column at the Standard.
사라 밀러스에요. 스탠다드에서 가십칼럼을 써요.
And then he would ask all these penetrating questions
about her, because he was sincerely, if atypically, interested.
그리고 남잔 여자에 대해 민감한 질문들을 던지죠, 왜냐면
전형적이진 않지만 정말 관심이 있으니까요...
if atypically: 여기서 if는 양보의 의미(~이지만)
e.g.) she is a foolish, if pretty, girl.
Alex No. 아뇨.
Sara No? 아니라구요?
Alex He'd be interested. 당연히 관심 있어 하겠죠.
But he'd see that there was no way he could possibly
make her realize that he was for real.
하지만 남잔 자신이 진심이란 걸
여자가 깨닫게 할 방법이 없다는 걸 알죠.
* for real : Actually so, genuine
Sara Well, he could be funny and charming,
and refreshingly original.
그 남잔 재미있고 매력적이며 기발하기도 하겠군요.
Alex Wouldn't help. 그걸로는 소용없을걸요.
= would be no help/
It would be no use / it wouldn’t make any difference.
He could try to be funny, but it wouldn’t help him
to get a date with her.
Sara Don't you hate it when that happens?
그렇게 되는 게 싫진 않으세요?
Alex Not really. 뭐 그다지.
They'd both probably go on to lead the lives
they were headed toward.
아마 두 사람 다 그들이 쫓던 삶을 계속 살겠죠.
My guess is, they'd do just fine.
제 생각에는, 둘 다 잘 지낼 겁니다.
It's a pleasure to have met you, Sara Melas.
만나서 반가웠습니다, 사라 밀러스양.
Waitress Grey goose martini, from the gentleman who just left.
방금 나가신 신사분이 마티니 두고 가셨어요.
Casey Woo, is that for me? 오, 내 꺼니?
What? 뭐?
Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net
☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요
◀ 해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요▶
가격부담 없이 실전영어 능력 확실히 키워드립니다. 말 못하고 글 못쓰는 영어와 작별하십시오.
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