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[뱀파이어 검사] 기자들이 다 클릭수 높이려고 지어낸 얘기죠.

mike kim 2011. 10. 24. 06:30

The autopsy room:

The coroner is fascinated with the case — blood drained via neck,

resulting in heart failure — and half-jokes that it might be a real vampire.

영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요


부검의: 죽은 시간은 어제 오후 4, 사인은 심장마비에요.

She died yesterday afternoon around 4. Cause of death is a heart attack.

사람이 알다시피 피를 과도하게 흘리면 심장이 멈추거든요.

As you know, an excessive loss of blood can cause the heart stop.

진짜 이상한 놈이야. 왜 거기서 피를 빼서 죽이는 거지?

So curious. Why did he take the blood from there and kill her?

아님 진짜 뱀파이어 짓인가?

Or was it really a vampire?


유정인: 에이. 뱀파이어가 진짜 세상에 어딨어요.

No, there’s no such thing as a vampire.

기자들이 다 클릭수 높이려고 지어낸 얘기죠.

Reporters make that up to get more readers.


황순범: 어찌됐건, 7년 전 사건이랑 똑같다는 거지?

So you’re saying it’s exactly the same as the case 7 years ago?


부검의: 폭력이 쓰여진 흔적 없음, 사인은 심장마비.

No evidence of physical or sexual assault. Cause of death is heart attack.

목에 뚫린 3센티 정도 두 개의 자상에 다른 상흔도 없음.

Nothig wrong with the body except for two holes in the neck

that are about 3 cm deep.

그리고 사라진 피까지. And the blood had disappeared.


민태연: 잠깐 깊이가 3센티라고 했습니까?

Wait. Did you say it was 3 cm deep?


부검의: , 그러고 보니 7년 전 사건의 자상 깊이에 대한 기록은 없네.

Yes. Now that you mention it,

the depth of the holes wasn’t recorded 7 years ago.


해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요

민태연: 그때는 깊이가 그렇게 깊지 않았어요.

It wasn’t that deep back then.


부검의: 이 사건 맡았었어요?

Were you in charge of the case?


민태연: 혹시, 몸에 피가 남아 있습니까?

By any chance, is there still blood left in the body?


부검의: 어떻게 알았어요? 맞아요.

How did you know that? That’s right.

얼마가 남았는지 정확히 알 순 없지만 남긴 남았더라구요.

Though we can’t measure how much is left, there is still a bit in there.

지난 번엔 쏙 뽑아 갔다는데, 이번엔 왜 남겼나 몰라.

Last time, I heard they took all the blood, I wonder why they left some this time.


황순범: 저기, 혈액샘플 준비됐죠?

Do you have the blood sample ready?


부검의: 이거 뽑느라 진땀 뺐네요.

This was difficult to get.


유정인: 제가 증거분석실에I’ll take this to the evidence analysis …


민태연: 유검사는 남아서 살해동기가 뭔지 알아봐.

You stay here and figure out the motive for the murder.

앞으로 특검생활 재밌게 하려면 꼭 알아내는 게 좋을 거야.

If you want to enjoy being a part of the team,

you better find out what it is.

Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

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