At the crime scene — an apartment.
Soon-bum moans about the stress of all these cases popping up
as he briefs Tae-yeon on the situation:
A woman lies dead with a knife sticking out of her chest
and neighbors reported seeing her boyfriend come by several times a week,
culminating in a huge fight the night before.
☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요
황순범: 아 왜 나한테 이런 시련을 주시냐고 왜?!
Why do I always get stuck with such hardship?!
새벽에 간신히 한 새끼 증거 찾아서 집어 넣었는데,
I had just arrested a criminal at dawn,
자물쇠 잠그기도 전에 또 사건이 터진 거야.
And before I could turn the lock, another incident occurred.
야 감식들 좀 나가있어.
Hey, Forensics, get out for a moment.
*forensic evidence법의학적 증거 /forensic legal medicine법의학.
/Get a forensic team up to her room. 감식반을 그녀 방으로 올려 보내.
민검 나 좀 봐.
Prosecutor Min, look at me.
내 눈이 잘 감기지도 않고 다크서클이 바닥까지 내려왔다니까.
I can’t close my eyes and my dark circles are falling to the floor.
◁해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요▷
민태연: 각설하고 읊어봐.
Just get to the point.
황순범: 옆집 사람 말로는 일주일에 한 두 세 번 정도 남자 친구가 왔다 간다네.
The neighbor says that her boyfriend would stop by twice or thrice a week.
최근 들어 가지고 겁나게 싸우더란 거야.
And they’re getting into a lot of fight lately.
민태연: 그래서? And then what?
황순범: 그래서 싸워도 너무 싸우니까 한 번 쓱 와 봤다는 거지.
Since they were fighting so much, the neighbor came to have a peek.
근데 그 사이에 잠잠하더라는 거야, 이 문도 열려있고.
But during the time, it suddenly became quiet, the door was open too.
민태연: 근데? Then what?
황순범: 근데는 뭐가 근데야? 보는 대로지.
What do you mean then what? This happened as you see here.
온 몸이 멍 자국에다가 집안이 난장.
Bruises all over and the room is a mess.
부엌칼로 심장을 찔러가지고 한방에.
Killed her in one swipe with a kitchen knife to her heart.
이 새끼가 아주 예의 바르게 현장에다 흉기까지 남기고 간 거지.
He was even polite enough to leave the deadly weapon at the scene.
민태연: 칼에 있는 지문 대조하면 남자친구 나 올 거 뻔하고?
If we compare the fingerprints, we’ll know it’s the boyfriend?
황순범: 내 말이! That’s what I’m saying!
올해 나 삼재잖아. 이렇게 쉬울 리가 없어요.
This year is my year of misfortune. It can’t be that easy.
Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information;
'한국드라마로 영어공부하자' 카테고리의 다른 글
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