영화해설 샘플강의

속았소, 함정에 빠진 데다, 협박까지 당했어. [이보다 더 좋을 순 없다]

mike kim 2012. 2. 24. 13:19

이보다 더 좋을 순 없다
감독 제임스 L. 브룩스 (1997 / 미국)
출연 잭 니콜슨,헬렌 헌트,그렉 키니어

영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요

Carol  That's your dog? 당신 강아지에요?   
Udall   No, no. 아니요.

Carol  What are you doing with a dog? 근데 왜 데리고 다녀요?

Udall  Suckered in, set up, pushed around.

         속았소, 함정에 빠진 데다, 협박까지 당했어.

*sucker: Informal. To trick; dupe: sucker a tourist into a confidence game.

*set up: Prepare someone for a deception or trickery or joke,
as in
They set up their victim for the usual real estate scam,
Her friends set her up so that she was the only person in costume.

*push around: threaten to treat roughly, bully, domineer
I won't let him push me around.

Carol  You're not worried someone might take it?

            누가 데려갈까 걱정 안 돼요?

Udall  No, not until now, for Christ`s sake.   Carol  Sorry.

            아직까진 아니요, 놀래라.                                   미안해요.

*I am surprised or annoyed by this. / For Christ's sake, Julie, what are you doing here?

/This dress makes me look like a little old lady, for Christ's sake.
It's two in the morning, for Christ sakes! Why are you calling me now?

Udall  I'm gonna sit here. 여기 앉을 거요.

Girl  Hey, puppy. 안녕, 강아지야.    Boy  He's cute. 귀엽다.

Terry  I love his little face. It's so cute. I wonder what breed he is?

                  얼굴 조그만 게 귀엽다.  무슨 종이지?

해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요

Carol   You know he's a little dog.
Next time, if Bryan's not here, you can bring him in.
강아지가 작으니까 담에 브라이언 없으면 데리고 들어와도 되요.

Udall   How old are you? 
If I was gonna guess by your eyes, I'd say you were 50.   
몇 살이요? 눈을 보니 50 은 돼 보이는 데.

Carol   If I went by your eyes, I'd say you were kind. So, so much for eyes,
but as long as you bring up age, how old are you?

          당신 눈을 보니 자상한 사람 같군요. 눈 이야긴 됐고, 나이 얘기 나와서 말인데,
몇 살이세요?

Udall   Oh, no, no.          Carol  Well, you brought it up.

            아니, 아니요.                      먼저 얘기 꺼냈잖아요.

Udall   I mean, not...... in other words, not that you're ugly,
that's not what I'm saying.
내 말은 다시 말해서, 못 생겼다는 게 아니라.

             내 말은 그게 아니라니까.

Carol   Easy, easy, pal.  I can take the compliment.
But my knees start knocking when you turn on the charm full blast.

          진정하세요, 칭찬으로 받아들일게요.
하지만 매력 심하게 발산하시면 저 다리 떨려 일 못해요.

*turn on the charm  매력을 풍기다[발산하다].

/He really knows how to turn on the charm.

 그는 정말 어떻게 하면 매력적이 될 수 있는지 안다.

*full blast: with as much power as possible. She's been running her air-conditioners full blast for months. /with enthusiasm and energy. When he's here and going full blast, we're all worn out by his energy. / as loud as possible. Somebody put on “Hotel California” and turned the volume up full blast.

Udall   No, but I mean, what's, uh.... what's with the dark?

            아니, 내 말은 그러니까 눈 밑에 거무죽죽한 건 뭐요?
*He indicates the dark circle bags under her eyes by tapping his own.
/ She has dark folds of skin there because she could not have enough sleep.

Carol   Dawn patrol.                Udall  Uh-huh.

           새벽에 일어나서 그래요.                   .

Carol   Major dawn patrol.  My son had a full-blown attack.
And this time, for extra fun, they gave us the wrong antibiotics.
So I get him home.......
중요한 새벽일과죠. 아들 천식이 극도로 심해 졌어요.
게다가 이번에는 엉뚱한 항생제를 처방하는 바람에, 그래서 집에 데려 와서

*full-blown: at the height of a state

*attack: An episode or onset of a disease, especially an occurrence of a chronic disease

/Here it is an asthma attack.

Udall   No, no, no,...... The dog. It's bacon for the.......bacon's for the ..... for the dog.
Last week, I was playing the piano for him, and he, he likes it.
So I decide I'm gonna make a little joke.

           아니, 이 베이컨 이 베이컨 개한테 줄 거요. 지난 주에 저 놈한테 피아노를
연주해 줬더니 좋아하길래, 장난 좀 쳐 보자고 맘 먹은 거요. 

Carol  So, you're all set here? 그럼, 다 됐죠 이제?

*all set: ready, in position for some action, as in I'm all set to leave the country.

Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net

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