패션왕 3회 예고편
☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요
LEE GA-YOUNG (Shin Se-kyung) is working as a seamstress for Madam Jo (Jang Mi-hee) Boutique.
Madam Jo is clearly unhappy about Ga-young’s decision to apply to a fashion design school
behind her back and she hides Ga-young’s acceptance letter.
이가영: 사장님! Boss!
조순희: 왜? What is it?
뭐? What?
이가영: 혹시 저한테 편지 온 거 없나요?
Is there any mail for me, by any chance?
조순희: 어디서? From where?
이가영: 미국에서요. The United States.
조순희: 미국? 너 미국에 아는 사람 있니?
The United States? Do you know someone there?
이가영: 제거 미국에 있는 학교에 원서를 냈거든요.
I applied to a school in the U.S.
조순희: 무슨 학교? Which school?
이가영: 패션 디자인 학교요. A fashion design school.
조순희: 무슨 돈으로? With what money?
이가영: 그래서 붙으면 말씀 드리려 했던 건데요.
That’s why I wanted to talk you after being admitted.
비행기 값하고 한 학기 등록금만 빌려주시면…
If you could perhaps just lend me money for my airfare
and first semester tuition…
그 다음은 제가 어떻게든 해결해 보고,
I’ll take care of it myself after that.
빌려주신 돈은 꼭 갚을게요.
And I will be sure to pay you back.
조순희: 너 참 맹랑하구나.
That was very brazen of you.
어떻게 나한테 한마디 의논도 없이 그런 생각을 해?
How could you make such a decision without consulting me first?
그러다 떨어지면 그땐 어떡할 건데?
What if you fail, then what are you going to do?
나 바쁘니까 나가 봐. I’m busy, so leave.
이가영: 혹시 붙으면 그 돈은 빌려 주실 수 있나요?
But if I get in, will you lend me the money?
조순희: 붙으면 얘기하자. If you get in, then let’s talk.
Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net
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