한국드라마로 영어공부하자

[더킹 투 하츠] 남조선엔 변태가 많다고 해서 말입니다.

mike kim 2012. 3. 28. 07:47


Jae-ha and Hang-ah, they’re ROOMIES now.

He sighs and walks in to find Hang-ah packing away her underwear

in a suitcase with a combination lock.


영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요




이재하: 다 뜯어진 속옷 그거 누가 본다고

Who would look at those tattered underwear…


김항아: 남조선엔 변태가 많다고 해서 말입니다.

I heard there were many perverts in the South.

[He starts unpacking his skincare collection]

살결물 정도가 기렇게나 많나?

How can there be so many things to put on your face?

저 좀 발라보면 안되갔슴메까?

Can I try some on?


이재하: ,,.  Whoa, whoa.

자기 거 쓰지 왜 남에 거 달라 그래

You can just use your own. Why are you asking for someone else’s…

염치도 좋다, 때려놓고 달라 그러고

She just beat me up in the rest room and now asks me for this?

How brazen-faced…


김항아: 거 왜 도적놈 개 꾸짖듯 합니까?

Why are you muttering under your breath?

*under your breath:

to say something quietly so that others cannot hear your exact words

들리게 말하시라요! Say it louder so I can hear!


이재하: 줄게, 막 줄라 그랬어.

I’ll give it to you. I was going to give it to you.

이거보다Instead of this…

이게This one…


김항아: 이렇게 많이는 필요 없는데. I don’t need this much.


이재하: 아냐, 이거 듬뿍 발라야 돼.

No, you need to put on a lot of this.

그래야 흡수가 잘 돼. That way it works.

, 발라 봐. There, put it on.


김항아: 근데 이거 왜 이런 겁니까?

But…what’s wrong with this?



이재하: , 미안하다. 이거 면도 크림이네!

Oh, I’m sorry! This is shaving cream!

너한테 이거 다 안 맞겠다.

None of these will suit you.

내 피부는 너무 센서티브해서 말이야.

Because my skin is so sensitive.



Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

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except in the case of brief quotations.

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