Eun Bi grabs the empty ramyun pot on the ground and holds it up for him. Chi-soo offers to work the ramyun shop after all. ☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요 양은비: 자, 때려. Here, hit. 네가 맞은 만큼 실컷 분 풀릴 때까지 실컷 때리고. Hit me as much as I hit you until you’re satisfied. 그리고 이제 내 앞에 얼씬도 하지마. Then don’t ever show your face again. 차치수: 혹시… By any chance… 저 여자도 여기서 알바인가 그거 해? Does that woman work here part-time?..