Ladies’ room:
Eun bi is in the stall relieving herself and huffing about the fortune teller.
☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요
양은비: 운명의 종소리라니?
Destiny’s bell ringing?
아, 시대가 어느 시댄데 그런 걸 믿으라고!
How does she expect me to believe such things in this day and age!
고시생이라고 막 던지는 거야?
Is she just saying whatever because I’m studying for exams?
Chi-soo is being chased by his bodyguards who his rich dad has sent to track down him.
He barrels into the ladies’ room just as Eunbi is heading out.
He hurriedly pushes her back into the stall.
◁해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요▷
양은비: 뭐에요? 누구세요? 왜 이러세요?
What are you doing? Who are you? Why are you doing this?
차치수: 미안, 미안! 잠깐만 같이 있어요. 몇 초면 되니까.
Sorry, sorry! Just stay like this for a little bit. I just need a few seconds.
양은비: 뭘 같이 있어요? 옆에 남자 화장실 있잖아요?
What are you talking about? The men’s room is right next door.
니네 변기 써! Use your toilet!
차치수: 내가 좀 급해서 그래요. 몇 초면 되요.
I’m in a hurry. Just a few seconds.
그 입 좀 다물고 같이 좀 써요.
So shut that mouth and let’s stand here for a second.
양은비: 이 변태 새끼가 고시책 파다가 돌았나!
This perverted fool must have gone crazy while studying for exams!
야, 아무리 공부가 힘들어도 그렇지,
Yeah, I know studying is not that easy,
너 같은 놈들이 고시 붙으면 스폰서 받고 룸싸롱 가고…
Passing the exam, kids like you get sponsored
and want sponsors to buy drinks and women…
변태적으로 욕구를 분출하는 거야!
You eventually turn into perverts!
보디가드 남1: 야, 이쪽으로 간 거 맞아?
Are you sure he went this way?
양은비: 야, 이 변태새끼, 너 독서실 몇 번 사냐?
Hey, you perverted fool, what study room are you in?
너 내가 노량진에 발도 못 붙이게…
I’m going to make sure you never step foot in Noryangjin…
He grabs her and leans in close.
효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요
차치수: 이쁘네…여기 점이.
How pretty…the mole here is.
He straightens and heads out, leaving her slack-jawed and stuttering.
양은비: 야! Hey!
차치수: 나 잘못 들어왔었구나. 웁스!
I came into the wrong bathroom. Oops!
근데 눈은 왜 감았어?
But why did you close your eyes?
He winks and leaves.
Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information;
'한국드라마로 영어공부하자' 카테고리의 다른 글
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