A video of the throw has now gone viral, and it’s decently embarrassing for PARK MU-YEOL (Lee Dong-wook). ☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요 박무열: 아, 쪽팔려. That’s embarrassing. 이거 어디서 봤어? Where did you find this? 김태한: 인터넷에 쫙 깔렸습니다. It’s all over the internet. 박무열: 또 어떤 놈이 찍어 올린 거야? Who took this video? 김태한: 어떻게 된 겁니까? What happened? Bodyguard YOO EUN-JAE (Lee Shi-young)’s agency office. Her boss is wa..