영자신문/잡지 해설 106

계란공장: 뉴욕타임즈 해설

Editorial Notebook Egg Factory By VERLYN KLINKENBORG Published: August 28, 2010 On Friday, most of the country’s major newspapers, including The Times, featured reports from a small town called Clarion, Iowa. Just outside Clarion are the egg operations, owned by the DeCoster family, at the heart of the salmonella outbreak. The factory — no point calling it a farm — called Wright County Egg, is t..

시민권과 출산관광: 이코노미스트 해설

Citizenship and birth tourism Amending the amendment A challenge to an American birthright Aug 19th 2010 Born in the USA PROMINENT Republicans have begun questioning America’s hallowed principle of birthright citizenship. The policy, established after the civil war by the 14th amendment to the constitution, is seen as one of the party’s greatest feats. Yet in July Lindsey Graham, a moderate Repu..

유학생 유치로 분주한 영국의 대학: 이코노미스트 해설

Britain's universities and foreign students Hustling spires A psychological leap is needed—both in British academia and in Westminster Aug 5th 2010 *Hustling spires ; The City Of Dreaming Spires 꿈꾸는 첨탑의 도시(영국의 옥스포드를 상징)에서 dreaming spires를 hustling spires로 바꿔 표현한 것임. EMO OF FRIESLAND was Oxford’s first recorded foreign student, and since 1190 they have kept pouring in. Both sides have benefited: ..

웹서핑에 사로잡히면 우울증에 걸리기 쉽다: 타임TIME 해설

Study: Obsessive Web Surfers Are More Depressed By Alice Park Monday, Aug. 02, 2010 Mika / Corbis Spending hours on the Internet may trigger depression, say researchers from Australia and China. Numerous studies have documented the link between mental illness and pathological Internet use, though the majority have found that excessive online behavior tends to occur as a result of conditions such..

왔노라, 싸웠노라, 이라크에서 철수 하노라: 이코노미스트 해설

I came, I saw, I withdrew from Iraq Aug 2nd 2010, 16:42 by Lexington IN A big speech today Barack Obama said that American combat operations in Iraq will end as promised at the end of this month, by when he will have brought home more than 90,000 troops since taking office. This is not likely to do the Democrats much good in the mid-term elections, since the war in Afghanistan has meantime grown..

과도한 제왕절개 시술, 유도분만을 다시 생각한다: 타임TIME 해설

Are C-Sections Overused? Rethinking Induced Labor By Tiffany Sharples Monday, Aug. 02, 2010 LWA-Stephen Welstead / Corbis The rise in cesarean-section deliveries in recent years has been characterized by some as a key indication of the overmedicalization of childbirth. While the procedure undoubtedly saves lives and leads to better health outcomes for mothers and infants who face problems during..

북한의 울화통: 뉴욕타임즈 The New York Times 사설 해설

Editorial North Korea’s Latest Tantrum Published: July 23, 2010 North Korea is threatening a “physical response” to joint American-South Korean naval exercises scheduled to begin on Sunday off the Korean Peninsula. China, which has abetted its neighbor’s excesses for too long, needs to ensure that the North’s bluster is only bluster. And it needs to tone down its own. 북한은 한반도 해상에서 일요일로 예정된 한미연합 ..

구글 알고리즘; 뉴욕타임즈 사설 해설

Editorial The Google Algorithm Published: July 14, 2010 Google handles nearly two-thirds of Internet search queries worldwide. Analysts reckon that most Web sites rely on the search engine for half of their traffic. When Google engineers tweak its supersecret algorithm — as they do hundreds of times a year — they can break the business of a Web site that is pushed down the rankings. 구글은 전세계적으로 인..

그 모든 미국의 위대함은 어디로 갔는가? ; 이코노미스트 해설

Lexington Where has all the greatness gone? Some Americans want to feel exceptional again. Better not to talk about it Jul 15th 2010 THIS column wishes respectfully to propose a temporary ban on references in political debate to both American greatness and American exceptionalism. This is not because Lexington denies that America is great and exceptional. It is. The case for the ban is that both..

도박열; 뉴욕타임즈The NewYork Times 사설해설

Editorial Gambling Fever Published: July 4, 2010 Gamblers aren’t the only ones prone to jackpot delusions. Politicians all over see casinos as magic revenue chests that will help them avoid painful spending cuts, escape the trap of no-tax pledges and make budget gaps vanish. New York is no exception. 도박꾼들만 잭팟의 환상에 빠져있는 게 아니다. 정치꾼들은 완전히 카지노를 고통스런 지출삭감을 피하고, 무과세 공약의 덫에서 빠져 나오고, 예산부족을 사라지게 해주는 마법의 ..