영자신문/잡지 해설 106

[타임해설] 어색한 침묵 4초면 당신에게 호감이 없다는 것

Awkward Silences: 4 Seconds Is All It Takes to Feel Rejected  It's the pause that doesn't refresh, the awkward moment that you relive over and over and over after you've realized that once again, you've put your foot in it.  새로운 활력을 주지 않는 ‘잠시 멈춤’이다. 그 멈춤은 당신이 다시 한번 실수를 했다고 깨달은 후에 생각하고 또 생각하는 어색한 순간이다. *Over the years, the Coca-Cola Company has had many slogans in their advertising campaigns, inv..

[타임해설] 문자 과도하게 주고 받는 십대 그리고 일탈

Study: 'Hyper-Texting' Teens More Likely to Have Had Sex, Tried Drugs ☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요 Teens who send more than 120 texts a day are more likely to have had sex or used alcohol or illegal drugs than peers who text less, according to a study conducted at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. These "hyper-texters" were also more likely to get into physical fights, binge ..

[타임해설] 십대들의 성, 부모가 역할모델이다.

Who Are Teens' Sexual Role Models? Turns Out, It's Their Parents 영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집 Parents may think their teens aren't listening to them about anything, let alone sex, but new research shows that 45% of teens consider their parents — not their friends or celebrities — their sexual role models. 부모들은 자신들의 십대 자녀들이 섹스는 말할 것도 없이 어느 것에 관해서도 자신들의 말을 듣지 않으려 한다고 생각할 지 모르지만, 새로운 연구에 의하면 십대들의 45%가 친구..

[타임해설] 당신이 자유의지로 행동한다고 생각하는가?

☞영화, 미드, 영자신문온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요 Think You're Operating on Free Will? Think Again Studies have found that upon entering an office, people behave more competitively when they see a sharp leather briefcase on the desk, they talk more softly when there is a picture of a library on the wall, and they keep their desk tidier when there is a vague scent of cleaning agent in the air. But none of them are c..

[타임해설] 음악을 평하는 것은 건축을 춤으로 평하려는 것과 같다

Understanding Why Music Moves Us ☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요 They say that writing about music is like dancing about architecture. But why don’t we dance to paintings— or for that matter, buildings— anyway? The latest research hints at why. ‘음악을 평하는 것은 건축을 춤으로 평하려는 것과 같다’ 라고 들 한다. 그런데 어쨌든 그림에 맞춰 춤을 추고, 말이 난 김에, 건물에 맞춰 춤을 추면 어떨까? 최근 연구가 그 이유에 대해 시사하는 바가 있다. *The obvious meaning is that music c..

[타임해설] 어떤 죽음이 부각시킨 인터넷 무법세상

Cyberbullying? Homophobia? Tyler Clementi's Death Highlights Online Lawlessness   When a Rutgers University freshman allegedly streamed video on the Internet of his roommate's homosexual encounter in their dorm room, leading the roommate to leap to his death from the George Washington Bridge, it highlighted the strange new technocratic world kids — and all of us, for that matter — inhabit.뉴저지주립대..

[타임해설] 빨간색의 이상한 사회과학

The Strange Social Science of the Color Red There's plenty of research connecting the color with sex. Here's why ☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요 When it comes to sex and women, red is the first color you think of, right? Red lips, red lingerie, red dress. Studies show men perceive women who wear red on dating profiles as both sexier and more open to a sexual encounter. 섹스와 여자에 관한 한 빨간색이 여러분들에게 제일..

[타임해설] 남성들이여, 중요한건 기술이지 크기가 아니다.

Add Inches!! (No, Really, Men Can Make It Longer) ☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요 Don't worry, you didn't just accidentally click on spam email. Though most advertised penis-enlargement methods are bogus, a new review of 10 existing studies suggests that some non-surgical techniques really can increase the length of a man's organ. 걱정하지 마시라, 당신은 그냥 잘못해서 스팸메일을 클릭한 게 아니다. 비록 대부분의 성기확대시술 광고가 사이비지만 10..

[뉴욕타임즈 해설] 역사 보는 시각을 방해하는 일본

Japan’s Historical BlindersApology for World War II Sex Slaves Is Again at Issue    ☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요   At a time when constructive relations between Japan and South Korea are more important than ever to Asian security, the two countries, allies of the United States, have been unable to put a difficult history behind them. Unfortunately, that seems unlikely to change soon given the ..

[타임해설] 무엇이 인류의 일부일처제를 촉진시켰나

The Ancient Sexual Revolution that May Have Spurred Human Monogamy ☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요 Monogamous, romantic love — or, more prosaically, pair-bonding — may have evolved in a sexual revolution that could have laid down the roots of the modern family, according to an intriguing new mathematical model. 흥미로운 새 수리적 모형에 의하면 일부일처제의 로맨틱한 사랑-- 좀 더 지루하게 표현하자면 암수 한 쌍의 관계— 는 현대적 가족의 뿌리를 내릴 수도 있었던..