Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net
가격부담 없이 실전영어 능력 확실히 키워드립니다.
말 못하고 글 못쓰는 영어와 작별하십시오.
효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요
◁해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요▷
☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요
Leo walks past several security checks and continues down the hallway.
He passes a security officer, Mike, who is sitting behind a desk.
MIKE: It’s a nice morning, Mr. McGarry. 좋은 아침입니다, 비서실장님.
LEO: We’ll take care of that in a hurry. Won’t we, Mike?
그 좋은 아침 서둘러 손 좀 보게 될 테지, 안 그런가, 마이크?
*that= nice morning
MIKE: Yes, sir. 네, 실장님.
BONNIE; Don’t kill the messenger, Leo. [hands him some papers]
전 소식만 전하는 거니 혼내지는 마세요, 실장님.
*"Don't shoot the messenger. Don't blame the person who brings bad news. This idea was expressed by Sophocles as far back as 442 B.C. and much later by Shakespeare in 'Henry IV, Part II' and in 'Antony and Cleopatra' (1606-07) The word kill may be used as a substitute for 'shoot.'" Related saying: "Don't shoot the piano-player; he's doing the best he can. Don't hurt innocent people. Originated in the United States in the Wild West, around 1860. During his 1883 tour of the United States, Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) saw this saying on a notice in a Leadville, Colorado, saloon. It is sometimes attributed to Mark Twain, but neither Wilde nor Twain has ever claimed authority."
LEO: Oh, why the hell not, Bonnie? 못 할 것도 없잖아, 보니.
BONNIE: Five minutes. 5분 이에요.
LEO: Please. Hey, Emma. 제발. 안녕, 엠마.
EMMA: Morning. 안녕하세요.
LEO: Wilson. 윌슨.
WILSON: Hey, Leo. 안녕하세요, 실장님.
LEO: Joe. 조.
JEFFREY: It’s Jeffrey. 제프린데요.
LEO: Whatever. 뭐 어쨌든.
LEO: Josh! 쟈쉬!
DONNA MOSS: Morning, Leo. 안녕하세요, 리오.
LEO: Hey, Donna. Is he in yet? 안녕, 도나. 아직 안에 있어?
DONNA: Yeah. 네.
LEO: Can you get him? 불러 주겠나?
DONNA: Josh! 쟈쉬!
LEO: Thanks. 고마워.
DONNA: I heard it’s broken. 부러졌다면서요.
LEO: You heard wrong. 잘 못 들은 거야.
DONNA: I heard—제가 듣기론…
LEO: It’s a mild sprain. He’ll be back later today.
가볍게 삔 거야. 오늘 나중에 돌아 올 거야.
DONNA: And what was the cause of the accident?
사고 원인이 뭔데요?
LEO: What are you, from State Farm? Go. Do a job, would ya?
자넨 뭔가, 보험회사에서 왔나? 가서 일해.
*State Farm Insurance is a group of insurance and financial services companies in the United States. The company also has operations in Canada.
DONNA: I’m just... 전 그냥…
LEO: He was swerving to avoid a tree. 나무 피하려고 방향 틀다 그랬어.
*swerve: especially of a vehicle to change direction suddenly, especially in order to avoid hitting sb/sth
DONNA: And what happened? 그래서 어떻게 됐는데요.
LEO: He was unsuccessful. 잘 안 된 거지.
JOSH: Yeah. That’s fine. Just don’t do anything till we talk to Justice.
Okay, bye. Hey.
네, 됐습니다. 법무부에 알아볼 때까지 아무것도 하지 마세요.
네, 그럼. 어서 오세요.
LEO: How many Cubans, exactly, have crammed themselves into these fishing boats?
몇 명이나 쿠바사람들이 좁은 어선에 억지로 타고 온 거야?
JOSH: It’s important to understand, Leo, that by and large, these aren’t fishing boats.
You hear fishing boats, you conjure an image of -- well, of a boat, first of all.
What the Cubans are on would charitably be described as rafts. Okay?
They’re making the hop from Havana to Miami in fruit baskets, basically.
Let’s just be clear on that.
전반적으로 어선이 아니라고 이해하는 게 중요합니다.. 어선이라면 우선 배를
떠올리기 쉬운데, 좋게 표현해봤자 뗏목입니다. 다시 말하면 그 사람들 과일바구니
타고 아바나에서 마이애미로 건너온 겁니다. 그냥 분명히 하자는 거죠.
*the Department of Justice; the Justice Department 《美》 법무부.
*hop: a short trip: It’s just a short hop to Manhattan.
LEO: We are. 그러고 있잖아.
JOSH: Donna’s desk, if it could float, would look good to them right now.
도나 책상이 물에 뜬다면, 그게 지금 그 사람들한테는 근시해 보일 겁니다.
LEO: I get it. How many are there?
알아 들었어. 몇 명이 탄 거야?
JOSH: We don’t know. 모릅니다.
LEO: What time, exactly, did they leave?
정확히 몇 시에 출발했는데?
JOSH: We don’t know. 모릅니다.
LEO: Do we know when they get here? 언제 도착하는지는 아나?
JOSH: No. 아뇨.
LEO: True or False: If I were to stand on high ground in Key West
with a good pair of binoculars, I would be as informed as I am right now.
맞다 아니면 틀리다: 내가 키웨스트 고지에 서서 성능 좋은 쌍안경을 쓰고 봐도
지금처럼 모르겠지.
*Key West is a city in Monroe County, Florida, United States./ Key West is an island in the Straits of Florida on the North American continent at the southernmost tip of the Florida Keys.
JOSH: That’s true. 맞습니다.
LEO: The intelligence budget’s money well spent, isn’t it?
정보부예산 제대로 집행했구만, 안 그런가?
JOSH: Tell them to send the Coast Guard, Leo.
해안경비대 보내라고 하세요.
LEO: The Coast Guard won’t... 해안경비대는…
JOSH: I understand! But, they’re never going to make it to our territorial waters.
이해합니다만 그 사람들 절대 우리 영해에 도달해서는 안됩니다.
*make it 제시간에 도착하다, (장소에) 이르다, 나타나다
LEO: Thank you. 고마워.
JOSH: What if the DEA suspected they had drugs?
마약단속국에서 그 사람들 마약 가지고 있다고
의심하면 어떻게 되는 겁니까?
*Drug Enforcement Administration 마약 단속국 (略 DEA)
LEO: Does the DEA suspect they have drugs?
JOSH: We could make a phone call. 전화 해 볼 수 있잖아요.
LEO: Josh! 쟈쉬!
JOSH: If the DEA or Navy Intel thought the Cubans were bringing in drugs,
wouldn’t we have to go out there and search those rafts with,
you know, guns and blankets?
마약 단속국이나 해군 정보국이 마약을 가지고 온다고 의심한다면,
담요로 총 숨기고 있을 줄도 모르는 뗏목,
우리가 가서 수색할 필요는 없지 않겠습니까?
LEO: You look like hell. You know that, don’t you?
자네 꼴 말이 아니야, 그거 알지?
JOSH: Yes. I do. Listen, Leo. Did he say anything?
압니다. 저, 리오, 무슨 말 없던가요?
LEO: Did he say anything?!
The President’s pissed as hell at you, Josh. And so am I.
무슨 말 없더냐고? 대통령 자네한테 엄청 화났어. 나도 그렇고.
*You're seriously pissed at me? 정말 나한테 화났구나?
/I really pissed you off, huh? 저 때문에 화가 단단히 나셨군요?
*as hell 대단히, 매우, 지독히.
JOSH: I know. 압니다.
LEO: You gotta work with these people.
And where the hell do you get off strutting your...
이 사람들하고 협력해야 돼. 감히 어디서 잘난 척이야…
* Where the hell do you get off (doing something)?
It basically means "How dare you!?" "The hell" is used as an expletive, a word to fill out the phrase. The phrase is idiomatic, so "get off" should not be taken literally. This phrase seems to be used when the second party does something without the permission/approval or knowledge of the first party.
Where the hell do you get off taking the car (or other object) without permission?
Where the hell do you get off talking back to your elders/me/your boss/etc?
Where the hell do you get off going camping without me?
*strut one’s stuff 《美속어》 (주의를 끌기 위해) 자신의 가장 좋은 면[의상, 기술 등]을
JOSH: I know. 압니다.
LEO: Al Caldwell is a good man. 알 콜드웰 좋은 사람이야.
JOSH: Al Caldwell wasn’t there. 알 콜드웰은 거기 없었어요.
LEO: I’m saying, you take everyone on the Christian Right,
dump them into one big pile, and label them stupid? We need these people.
내 말은, 자네가 그 사람들 다 기독교 우파로 싸 잡아서 멍청하다고 딱지를 붙여 버린 거야.
우리한테는 이 사람들이 필요하다고.
*I can't prove it - you'll just have to take it on trust. 난 그걸 증명할 수 없어. 넌 그냥 그대로 믿고 그걸 받아들여야 할 거야. / We took her on as a partner. 우리는 그녀를 동업자로 받아들였다.
*The Christian right (also known as the religious right and the evangelical bloc) is a term used predominantly in the United States of America to describe right-wing Christian individuals and organizations characterized by their strong support of public polices of social conservatism.
JOSH: We do not need these people. 필요 없습니다.
LEO: Josh. 쟈쉬.
JOSH: We need Al Caldwell. We want Al Caldwell. We do not need John Van Dyke.
And we do not need Mary Marsh.
알 콜드웰이 필요하고, 알 콜드웰을 원합니다. 존 반 다이크는 필요 없고,
메리 마쉬도 필요 없다고요.
*Reverend Al Caldwell —Prominent religious leader who, unlike his associates (like
Mary Marsh and John Van Dyke), is respectful of and respected by members of the
Bartlet administration.
LEO: And I think there shouldn’t be instant replay in football,
but that’s not my call, now, is it?
축구 중계에서 비디오판독 재심은 있어서는 안 된다고 생각해,
근데 그건 내가 결정할 일이 아니지.
*"It's not my call." = It's not up to me to decide.
; 마국의 프로미식축구인 NFL이 이 드라마가 시작된 해인 1999년 시즌부터 ‘슬로 비디오’ 판독에 의한 즉석재심 제도를 도입했다. 리오는 이를 반대하지만 어쨌든 그게 자신이 결정할 일이 아닌 것처럼, 밴 다이크나 매리 마쉬가 필요한지는 자신이 결정할 일이 아니라는 것.
JOSH: [stops walking, while Leo continues on]It was stupid. 제가 멍청했어요.
LEO: Damn straight. 옳거니.
*Interjection; a phrase indicating approval, excitement, or support; RIGHT ON. Also damn skippy.
JOSH: I was right, though. 그래도 제가 틀린 말은 안 했어요.
LEO: [talking to himself]Like I don’t know that. 그게 그럴까.
Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net
가격부담 없이 실전영어 능력 확실히 키워드립니다. 말 못하고 글 못쓰는 영어와 작별하십시오.
효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요
'미드해설 샘플강의' 카테고리의 다른 글
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