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[다섯손가락] 누군가를 진짜로 좋아할 땐 이렇게 다가오지 않아.

mike kim 2012. 10. 7. 15:09

영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요






Da Mi doesn’t want to be friends with In Ha anymore,

but he just wants to propose to her and vows that he will never quit loving her.


효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요



홍다미:  왜 그랬어? Why did you do that?

내가 말했잖아, 너한테 특별한 감정 없다고.

Like I said, I don’t have special feelings for you.

그런데 그 사람 앞에서 그런 말을 왜 해?

Then why did you say such a thing in front of him?


유인하:  그렇게 유지호만 걱정 돼?

Are you only worried about Yoo Ji Ho?

나는?  What about me?

난 후계자도 뺏기고 사랑하는 여자마저 뺏기게 생겼어.

I’m going to lose my place as next in line and the woman I love.

근데 내가 뭘 어떻게 해야 되는 건데?

But, what exactly should I do?


홍다미:  너 자꾸 이러면 우리 친구로도 못 만나.

If you keep doing this, we can’t even meet as friends.


유인하:  왜 그렇게 내 진심을 몰라?

Why don’t you know my heart?

나한텐 지금 아무것도 없어.

Right now, I have nothing.

난 너밖에 없다고.

The only thing I have is you!


홍다미:  더 이상 할 얘기 없어. 그냥 돌아가.

I have nothing to say to you. You should go.


해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요




유인하:  경연에서 이기면 나 너한테 떳떳하게 프로포즈하고 싶었어.

If I won the contest, I wanted to proudly propose to you.

비록 졌지만 네가 날 믿어주면 용기 갖고 이겨낼 자신 있어.

Even though I lost, if you believe in me,

I can be brave and withstand it.

난 네가 너무 좋아.  I like you so much.

포기할 수 없어.

I can’t give up on you.

아니, 포기 안 해.

No, I will never give up on you.

*Lose faith in or stop believing in something or someone/ Stop feeling hope

Cf.) Give up: Stop doing something that has been a habit

/Sacrifice or dedicate time, etc, to something/ Surrender, stop trying

/Allow someone to sit in your chair, take your place, etc


홍다미:  진짜로 날 좋아하는 게 아냐.

You…don’t like me for real.

넌 그냥 형한테 지기 싫은 거야, 음악도 그리고 나도.

You don’t want to lose to your brother, including music and me.

누군가를 진짜로 좋아할 땐 이렇게 다가오지 않아.

If you like someone for real, you don’t approach them like this.

상대의 마음이 어떨지 먼저 생각하니까.

You think about what the other person feels first.

이기적인 네 마음이 불편하고 싫어.

Your self-centered mind makes me feel uncomfortable

And I don’t like it.

나 유지호씨 많이 좋아해.

I really like Yoo Ji Ho a lot.





Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

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            효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요