Yoo-jin sits in jail, refusing to settle with his accusers in the assault case.
To his surprise, he’s released: A teacher coughed up the 10 million won (nearly $10,000)
to settle his case.
☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요
경찰: 정신 차리고 똑바로 살아.
You better put yourself together and do the right thing.
요즘 어떤 선생님이 학생 합의금으로 천만 원씩이나 내 놓냐?
What teacher these days pays 10 million Won in settlement fee, huh?
Yoo-jin finds Principal Joo waiting for him.
진유진: 뭐해요? What are you doing?
주정완: 눈에 힘 풀어라.
Stop glaring at me.
유치장 같다 온 놈이 뭘 잘했다고 고개 빳빳이 들고 눈에 힘을 주고 있어.
What a brat you are! You haven’t done anything good,
spending a night in a police cell.
야, 두부 먹자. Eat some tofu.
진유진: 선생님이 왜 제 합의금을 대줘요?
Why would you pay for my settlement?
주정완: 그러니까 내 말이 그래.
That’s what I’m saying.
너네 부모님 어디 계신데 연락이 안 되는 거야?
Where are your parents that I can’t even contact them?
먹어. 왜 먹기 싫어?
Eat this. Why? You don’t want to eat it?
또 들어 갈래? You want to go back in there?
진유진: 제가 그 자식들한테서 돈 다시 받아서 드릴 테니까,
I’ll get the money back from those guys and give it back to you.
주정완: 꼴값을 떨고 있어요. There you go acting up again.
네가 뭘 받아 내 임마. What are you going to get back?
◁해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요▷
진유진: 아, 천만 원이 무슨 장난이에요?
Is 10million Won a joke?
갑자기 나한테 왜 이래요?
Why are you being like this to me all of a sudden?
뭐 죽을 병 걸렸어요? Are you dying of something?
주정완: 넌 이제 나한테 신용불량자야, 알았니?
You’ve got bad credit with me now, got it?
너 나한테 신용회복 못하면,
If you can’t restore your credit with me,
내가 너 부모님 찾아내서 사채이자 쳐서 다 받아낸다, 알았어?
I’m going to track down your parents
and charge the debt to them plus interest, you got it?
Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net
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