White House interior, nighttime:
Abraham & Mary Lincoln are then seen inside Mrs. Lincoln’s White House boudoir.
LINCOLN: It's nighttime. Ship's moved by some terrible power at a terrific speed.
And though it's imperceptible in the darkness, I have an intuition that we're
headed towards a shore. No one else seems to be aboard the vessel. I'm very
keenly aware of my aloneness. "I could be bounded in a nutshell and count
myself a king of infinite space were it not that I have bad dreams." Hmm. I
reckon it's the speed that's strange to me. I'm used to going at a deliberate
pace. I should spare you, Molly. I shouldn't tell you my dreams.
밤이었어. 배는 어떤 끔찍한 힘에 의해 놀라운 속도로 움직였소. 어둠 속에서 감지할 수는 없었지만, 난 직감적으로 우리가 뭍을 향하고 있다는 걸 알았지. 그 배에는 다른 사람은 아무도 없는 것 같았소. 나 혼자 강렬한 외로움을 느끼고 있었지. 그게 악몽이 아니라면 난 껍질 속에서 나 자신을 무한한 공간의 왕으로 생각하겠지. 이상한 건 그 배의 속도였어. 난 그 의도된 속도에 익숙하오. 당신에겐 말아야 하는데, 몰리. 당신에겐 내 꿈을 얘기하진 말아야 하는데.
*= if it were not that~
*Spare him (from) the bother. 그에게 그런 폐를 끼치지 마라
/I was spared that humiliation. 그러한 창피를 당하지 않게 되었다
/She was among the lucky few who were spared from injury in the accident.
그녀는 그 사고에서 부상을 입지 않은 운 좋은 사람들 속에 있었다.
Mary: I don't want to be spared if you aren't. And you spare me nothing. Perhaps it's...
It's the assault on Wilmington Port. You dream about the ship before a battle,
당신한테 안 그럴 거면 나도 싫어요. 나한테는 뭘 말아야 할 건 없어요. 아마…
윌밍튼 항 공격이겠죠. 당신 보통 전투 전에 그 배 꿈을 꾸잖아요.
LINCOLN: How's the coconut? 머리는 어때요?
*= head
Mary: Beyond description. Almost two years, nothing mends. Another casualty of the
war. Who wants to listen to a useless woman grouse about her carriage accident?
말로 표현이 안돼요. 거의 2년 동안 듣는 게 없어요. 또 다른 전쟁 피해자에요.
누가 쓸모 없는 여편네가 마차 사고 당하고 투덜대는 거 듣고 싶어 하겠수?
*The accident occurred in the summer of 1863, when she was thrown from a carriage and stuck her head on a stone.
LINCOLN: I do. 내가 듣잖소.
Mary: Stuff. You tell me dreams, that's all. I'm your soothsayer. That's all I am to you
anymore. I'm not to be trusted even if it was not a carriage accident. Even if it was
an attempted assassination.
시시하시긴. 꿈 이야기나 해요, 그럼 돼요. 난 당신 예언자잖아요. 당신에겐 이젠 내가 그게 다니까. 마차 사고가 아니었더라도 날 신뢰하지는 않아요. 그게 의도된 암살이었다고 해도.
*What stuff! 무슨 시시한 소리(를 하는가)!
LINCOLN: It was most probably an accident. 거의 사고였소.
Mary: It was an assassin whose intended target was you.
당신을 표적으로 한 암살이었어요.
LINCOLN: How are the plans coming along for the big shindy?
파티 준비는 잘 되가요?
*=shindig; 연회, 파티
Mary: I don't want to talk about parties. You don't care about parties.
파티 이야긴 하기 싫어요. 당신은 신경도 안 쓰면서.
LINCOLN: Not much, but they're a necessary hindrance.
그야 그렇지만 그래도 필요한 장애물이잖소.
Mary: I know. I know what it's about, the ship. It's not Wilmington Port. It's not a
military campaign. It's the amendment to abolish slavery. Why else would you
force me to invite demented radicals into my home? You're going to try to get
the amendment passed in the House of Representatives before the term ends?
Before the Inauguration?
맞다. 나 그 배가 뭔지 알아요. 윌밍튼 항이 아니에요. 군사작전도 아니고. 노예제를 폐지하는 수정안이에요. 왜 저더러 억지로 그 정신 나간 급진파들을 초대하라는 거에요? 임기 끝나기 전에 수정법안 하원에서 통과 시키려는 거죠? 취임식 전에?
LINCOLN: Don't spend too much money on the flubdubs.
허세 부린다고 돈 너무 낭비하지 말아요.
*(미) 뽐냄; 허세; (속어) 무능력자.
Mary: No one is loved as much as you. No one's ever been loved so much by the
people. You might do anything now. Don't... Don't waste that power on an
amendment bill that's sure of defeat. Did you remember Robert's coming home
for the reception?
당신만큼 사랑 받는 이도 없어요. 누구도 국민들한테 그렇게 사랑 받은 적 없어
요. 당신 뭐라도 해야 헤요. 질 게 뻔한 수정안에 당신의 힘을 낭비하진 말아요.
환영회에 로버트 오는 건 알았어요?
Mary: I knew you'd forget. That's the ship you're sailing on, the 13th Amendment. You
needn't tell me I'm right. I know I am.
깜빡 할 줄 알았어요. 당신 타고 있던 배, 수정안 맞아요. 내가 옳다고 말 할
필요는 없어요. 내가 옳다는 건 내가 아니까.
Mrs. Keckley: Oh!
LINCOLN: Oh, it's late, Mrs. Keckley. 늦었네요, 케클리 부인.
Mrs. Keckley: Well, she needs this for the grand reception. It's slow work. Good night.
Did you tell her a dream?
환영회에 이게 필요하시다고 해서. 손이 많이 가는 거라. 잘 주무셔요.
꿈 얘기는 하셨나요?
Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net
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