Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net
가격부담 없이 실전영어 능력 확실히 키워드립니다.
말 못하고 글 못쓰는 영어와 작별하십시오.
효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요
해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요
*make[miss] the cut 특정 목표를 달성하다[하지 못하다]; (골프 대회 따위에서) 본선에 진
출[탈락]하다; 최종 명단에 들다[빠지다]; 성공[실패]하다
*fall in line Also, fall into line. Adhere to established rules or predetermined courses of action. 규정[관례]에 따르다, 협조하다./ / Korea is revising its agricultural policies to fall in line with the Doha Development Agenda expected to be concluded in 2007. 우리나라는 2007년 체결될 도하개발 어젠다에 맞추어 농업정책을 개정하고 있다.
/ A related term is bring into line, meaning "to make someone fit established rules," as
in It was her job to bring her class into line with the others.
* puppy An insignificant but arrogant and obnoxious young person 애송이; 건방진 젊은이, 겉멋이 든 젊은이.
*sedative An agent or a drug having a soothing, calming, or tranquilizing effect. 진정제.
*groggy [colloq] weak, dizzy and unsteady on the feet, eg from the effects of illness or alcohol ([groggier], [groggiest])./ He's still groggy from the anaesthetic. 그는 마취로 아직도 그로기 상태이다.
* doctor at home =family doctor가정의; a doctor who is trained in general medicine and who treats patients in a local community rather than at a hospital 의과대학 졸업 후 3년 동안 모든 과에서 수련을 받고 개업을 하고 있는 의사를 말함. 집에서 되도록 가까운 개인병원의 주치의를 선임하는 편임. 종합병원에 입원하기 전에 개인 병원에서 먼저 1차 진료를 받아야만 함
*You're off the case. 그럼 손 떼. / The officer leading the inquiry has been taken off the case. 그 조사를 지휘하던 경찰관이 그 사건에서 제외되었다.
*Who does this pen belong to? 이 펜은 누구 거예요?
/ It doesn’t belong to me to express an opinion about the matter.
그 문제에 대해서 의견을 말할 자격이 내게는 없다.
/ Gray hairs belong to old age. 나이가 들면 흰 머리가 생기기 마련이다.
/ You don't belong here. 넌 원래 여기 있으면 안 돼.
DR. BAILEY: I’ve seen his file. George O’Malley barely made the cut
to get into this program. He’s not your guy.
DR. BURKE: Oh, he’s my guy, alright.
DR. BAILEY : Every year, you pick your guy and every year, your guy suffers
more than any other intern on the surgical…
DR. BURKE: Terrorize one and the rest fall in line.
DR. BAILEY: I get it. I respect it. But George! O’Malley’s a puppy.
MRS. BRYCE: Katie Bryce. 3604?
NURSE: It’s right there.
MRS. BRYCE: Thank you.
MRS. BRYCE: Katie, honey. Mom and Dad are here.
MEREDITH: They gave her a sedative for the CT scans,
so she’s a little groggy.
MRS. BRYCE: Will she be all right?
MR. BRYCE: Our doctor at home said that she might need an operation.
Is, is that true?
MRS. BRYCE: What kind of operation?
MEREDITH: She’s um … well … you know what? I’m not,
I’m not the doctor. Um, I’m a doctor. But I’m not Katie’s doctor,
so I’ll go get him for you.
MEREDITH: Katie’s parents have questions. Do you talk to them or
do I ask Burke?
DR. BAILEY: Uh no, Burke’s off the case. Katie belongs to the new
attending now. Dr. Shepard. He’s over there.
Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net
해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요
가격부담 없이 실전영어 능력 확실히 키워드립니다. 말 못하고 글 못쓰는 영어와 작별하십시오.
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