영화해설 샘플강의

아빠 신용카드 들고 다니는 멍청한 금발이 제일 좋아.

mike kim 2012. 1. 28. 09:31

금발이 너무해
감독 로버트 루케틱 (2001 / 미국)
출연 리즈 위더스푼

영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요

MARGOT:         I think you should go with the red. It's the color of confidence.

                         빨간 색을 입어야 해. 자신 있게 보이거든.

SERENA:          I don't understand why you're completely disregarding your signature color.

                           왜 니 색깔을 무시하는 지 이해가 안돼.

*“To disregard” something is to ignore it or not pay attention to it.

*A person’s “signature color” is the color that people associate with them.

ELLE:               He's proposing. I can't look like I would on any other date.
    This is
the date-- the night I'll always remember. I want to look special. Bridal.
    But not like I expect anything.

                      워너가 프러포즈 할 거야. 여느 데이트 때처럼 보이긴 싫어.
이게 바로 그 테이트야.  평생 잊지 못 할 밤. 특별하게 보이고 싶어.
결혼이라. 하지만 기대도 않은 것처럼 보여야지.

*Note that if “the” is pronounced “thee,” it means the most important (Though here, Elle

actually misspeaks and just says “the” with the usual pronunciation).

SELES WOMAN:            There's nothing I love more than a dumb blonde with daddy's plastic.

              Did you see this one? We just got it in yesterday.

              아빠 신용카드 들고 다니는 멍청한 금발이 제일 좋아.

              이 상품 보셨어요?  어제 막 들여 놨어요.

*In this case, a reference to a credit card, which is made of plastic.

효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요

ELLE:                Is this low-viscosity rayon?
이게 덜 끈적거리는 레이온 소재인가요?

*Viscosity refers to how sticky something is, and rayon is a type of man-made

material for clothing.

SELES WOMAN:         Yes. Of course. , 그럼요.

ELLE:                With a half-loop top-stitching on the hem?

                        가장자리에 반고리 모양으로 바느질을 한거구요?

*A sentence that only those who sew would love! A loop is a hole made by a circular

piece of cloth. Stitching is a type of sewing, and a hem is the border of a piece of


SALES WOMAN:         Absolutely. It's one of a kind.
당연하죠. 하나 밖에 없어요.

*If something is one of a kind, it is truly unique, with no others like it.; 독특한 것[

], 단 하나뿐인 것

ELLE:                It's impossible to use a half-loop top-stitching on low-viscosity rayon.
    It would
snag the fabric. And you didn't just get it in.
     I saw it in the June
Vogue a year ago. So if you're trying to sell it to me
     for full price you picked the wrong girl.

                         레이온소재에 그런 바느질은 불가능해요. 옷이 다 찢어지니까요.
그리고 막 들여 놓은 것도 아니에요. 작년 보그 6월호에서 본 상품이에요.
제 값 받고 팔아 넘길 심산이셨다면 사람 잘못 고르셨네요.

To snag a piece of cloth is to catch, trap or accidentally attach to it. Fabric is

another word for cloth.

/ I snagged my sleeve on a nail. 옷 소매가 못에 걸려 찢어졌다.

Vogue is a famous fashion magazine. This is Elles way of saying she knows a lot

about fashion, clothes and fabrics.

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SALES WOMAN:         Hum..

ELLE:                Girls, this is it. In a few hours I'll be the future Mrs. Warner Huntington III.

                        얘들아, 때가 온 거야. 몇 시간 뒤면 내가 워너 헌팅턴 3세 부인이 되는 거라구.

*This is it. 《구어》 올 것이 왔다, 바로 이거야 / 지금이 중요한 때다, 이것이 핵심이야

/ 틀림없어, 그게 바로 이유[원인].

Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net

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                                    효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요