영화해설 샘플강의

[러브 액츄얼리] 장례식에 저한테 클라우디아 쉬퍼를 데려 오라더군요.

mike kim 2011. 12. 18. 09:48

러브 액츄얼리
감독 리처드 커티스 (2003 / 영국,미국)
출연 휴 그랜트,리암 니슨,콜린 퍼스,로라 리니,엠마 톰슨

영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요

Daniel:         Jo and I had a lot of time to prepare for this moment. Some of her requests,
for instance, that I should bring Claudia Schiffer as my date to the funeral,
I was confident she expected me to ignore’
others she was pretty damn clear about.
When she first mentioned what's about to happen, I said, "
Over my dead body."
And she said, "No, Daniel, over mine." And as usual, my darling girl...
and Sam's darling mum was right. So she's going to say her final farewell to you,
not through me but, inevitably,
ever so coolly,
through the immortal genius
of the Bay City Rollers.

                  조하고 저는 순간을 위해 많은 시간을 준비했습니다. 가령, 장례식에 저한테 클라우디아 쉬퍼를 데려 오라더군요, 분명 내가 무시하기를 바랬지만요.
하지만 다른 것들을 준비하는 데는 꽤나 명확하더군요. 조가 처음 무슨 일이
일어날지 얘기했을 , 제가 그랬죠, “ 눈에 흙이 들어가면 그러라고.” 조가 그러더군요, “ 아니, 다니엘 눈에 흙이 들어가면 그렇게 .” 그렇지만,
내사랑 조는샘의 사랑하는 엄마는 옳았습니다. 이제 조가 여러분들께,
통해서가 아니라, 부득이, 아주 쿨하게, 불멸의 그룹 베이 시티 롤러스를
통해서 작별인사를 겁니다.

*"Some are kind, and others are unkind."

친절한 사람들이 있는가 하면 불친절한 사람들도 있다.

*over my dead body; When you absolutely will not allow a person to do something you

might say "over my dead body." The [literal] meaning is that you will stand in the way

of that person and only if they kill you and walk over your dead body will they be able

to do what they want. Example: "You kids are not going out in the cold without your

jackets! Not over my dead body!" Parents say "over my dead body" often because they

are in a position of authority and they are much bigger than their children. Example: "All

of my friends are going out to the lake tonight and I'm going too!" Answer: "Over my

dead body you are!" 《구어 내 시체를 밟고 가서(하라), 내 눈에 흙이 들어가기 전에는

~할 수 없다[안된다]/《명령형으로》 절대 안돼!, 멋대로 해!

*ever so 매우, 몹시, 굉장히; 아무리 (~라도)/ Mother was ever so organized.

어머니는 정리정돈을 아주 잘하셨다.

*동격의 of; an angel of a woman 천사 같은 여성

*The Bay City Rollers were a Scottish pop/rock band of the '70s with a strong following

among teenage girls.

해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요

(On speakers):     Bye bye baby, baby goodbye Goodbye baby, baby bye bye
Bye bye baby Don't make me cry Goodbye baby, baby bye bye
You're the one girl in town I'd marry Girl I'd marry you now if I were free
I wish it could be I could love you but why begin it?
Cos there ain't any future in it She's got me but I'm not free so...

(From DJ booth):   Bye bye baby, baby goodbye Goodbye baby, baby bye bye 
Bye bye baby, don't make me cry Goodbye baby, baby bye bye
Wish I never had known you...

Sarah:         Do you love him?   피터를 사랑해요?

Mark:          Er, er, what? , 뭐라고요?

Sarah:         No, I just thought I'd ask the blunt question in case it was the right one
and you needed someone to talk to about it. And no one had ever asked
you so you never been able to talk about it
even though you might have wanted to.

                  아니, 그냥 그게 맞으면 누군가 털어 놓을 사람이 필요할 테니까
단도 직입적으로 묻고 싶었어요. 얘기하고 싶었어도 묻는 사람이 없었으니
털어 놓을 수도 없었고요.

* Abrupt and often disconcertingly frank in speech; a blunt refusal 단도직입적인 거절/

Let me be quite blunt (with you) - your work is appalling. 좀 단도직입적으로

말하겠습니다. 당신이 한 일은 형편없어요.

효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요

Mark:          No. No. No is the answer. Absolutely not.

                   대답은 아니에요. 정말 아니에요.

Sarah:         So that's a no, then? 그럼, 아니군요.

Mark:          Yes. Erm...This DJ, what do you reckon? The worst in history?

                    . 디제이 말이에요, 어떻게 생각해요? 최악이죠?

Sarah:         Probably. I think it all hangs on the next song.

                   그럴 수도 있죠.  다음 들어 보면 답이 나오겠네요.

*A lot hangs on this decision. 이 결정에 운명이 달렸다./cf.) Hang on tight - we're off!

꼭 잡아, 출발한다!/ Hang on a minute - I'm not quite ready. 잠깐만 기다려, 난 아직

준비가 다 안됐어./ I should hang on to those old photographs - they may be valuable.

난 저 오래된 사진들을 꼭 지니고 있어야 해. 귀중한 것들인지 모르니까.

DJ:              Now here's one for the lovers. That's quite a few of you,
I shouldn't be surprised
and a half.

                  이제 연인들을 위한 띄웁니다. 여러분 많은 분들이 연인들 이라도.
많이 놀라지는 않겠습니다.

*The expression "and a half" is used for emphasis when you think something is very

unusual, surprising, or good. So it means, "I wouldn't be surprised at all if quite a few of

you are lovers."

/Quite a few of my friends are vegetarian. 내 친구들 중 상당히 많은 사람들이

채식주의자이다/ and a half 《구어》 특별한, 굉장한; 성가신/ It was a game and a half.

굉장한 시합이었다.

(song)         (S Club Juniors: Puppy Love) And they called it...

Mark:          He's done it, it's official. 해냈군요, 답이 나왔네요.

*have done it (어떤 일을) 완수하다, 끝내다/《구어》 실수를 저지르다, 실패하다

*Well, it's official: we got the Barton contract.

, 우리가 바턴 계약을 따낸 것으로 공식 발표가 났어요

Sarah:         Worst DJ in the world. , 세상 최악의 디제이 맞아요.

Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net

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                                       효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요