영화해설 샘플강의

신경과민에 목소리 크고 자기 중심적인데다가 아는 체 잘하는 여자

mike kim 2012. 4. 29. 09:17


사랑할 때 버려야 할 아까운 것들 (2004)

Something's Gotta Give 
낸시 마이어스
잭 니콜슨, 다이안 키튼, 키아누 리브스, 아만다 피트, 프란시스 맥도맨드
드라마, 로맨스/멜로, 코미디 | 미국 | 117 분 | 2004-02-13




 영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요


MARIN       So, Mam. How's the new play?  Are you getting happy with it?

                  그래, 엄마, 희곡은 어때? 돼가?

ERICA        Well, You know the thing about me. I'm 90 percent hard work,10 percent talent.

                And so far, the talent part hasn't exactly kicked in yet.

               너도 엄마 알잖아. 90 퍼센트의 노력, 10퍼센트의 재능.

                아직까진 재능 약발이 확실히 서네.

* Begin to operate 기계 따위가) 시동하다, 움직이기 시작하다; (약발이) 나기 시작하다.

/ Finally the motor kicked in and we could get started.

/ I'm guessing that the medication hasn't kicked in yet.


ZOE           Right. Right. 맞아.

HARRY        What's your play about? 무슨 희곡이죠?

ERICA        About? Well, I'm not exactly sure, which is a bit of a problem.

                But so far, it's about a divorced woman, a writer. She's a high-strung,

                over-amped, controlling, know it all neurotic… who's incredibly cute and lovable.

                 It's a comedy. So how did you two meet?

              무슨 희곡 ? 모르겠어요, 그게 문제에요. 지금까진, 이혼한 여류 작가 이야기에요.

              신경과민에 목소리 크고 자기 중심적인데다가 아는 잘하는 여잔데,

              귀엽고 사랑스러워요. 코미디에요.  사람은 어떻게 만났죠?

*Tending to be very nervous and easily excited 신경 과민의, 감수성이 예민한

*A know-it-all is a person who believes that he or she is extremely knowledgeable, and

is determined to demonstrate his or her perceived intelligence at every opportunity. A

know-it-all boasts about being an expert on a given subject, although his or her actual

knowledge is often (but not always) limited or non-existent. 경멸적》 아는 체하는; 박식

한 체하는 사람


MARIN       At a wine auction at Christie's. Harry was the big buyer of the night.

                크리스티 와인 경매에서요. 해리가 손이었거든.

*English firm of art auctioneers and appraisers, one of the largest clearinghouses in the

world for art objects of all kinds. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, it has locations all

over the world.


HARRY    I kept raising my paddle just to get her to smile at me.

             Before I knew it, I bought the entire collection.

             I mean, every known bottle of Chateau Margaux.

             After that, the least she could do was share a bottle with me.

             마린을 웃게 하려고 계속 패들을 들어 올렸죠. 어느 , 알만한 샤토 마고는

             내가 사들였더군요. 그러고 나니까, 마린이 최소한의 예의로 저하고 와인

              병을 나눠 마셔준 겁니다.

*The vineyard of Château Margaux is one of four wines to achieve First Growth status in the 1855 Bordeaux Classification because of its high price. According to Forbes.com, a bottle of Château Margaux 1787 holds the record as the most expensive bottle of wine ever broken, insured at $225,000. Chateau Margaux usually consists of approximately 75% Cabernet Sauvignon, 20% Merlot, 5% Petit verdot and Cabernet Franc grapes.


*It's the least I can do to help (ie I feel I should do more).
그건 내가 돕기 위해 할 수 있는 최소한의 일이다.


ERICA        Ever been married, Harry? 결혼 한적 있어요, 해리?

HARRY        No. No, I haven't. 아뇨, 없습니다.

MARIN       Mom. 엄마.

ERICA        Wow. Now, why do you think that is?

                 , 이유가 뭐라고 생각해요?

HARRY       Well, some people just don't fit the mold, and so far, you know—

                 그게, 어떤 사람들은 (기존의 결혼이라는) 틀에 맞지 않죠, 그래서 지금껏

*If something fits the mould, it generally means that it is consistent with a certain

custom, expectation or environment.


ERICA        Hey, if it ain't broke.... 그럼, 틀이 깨지지 않는

HARRY       Exactly. 그렇죠.

ZOE           Wait a second. Aren't you like a famous bachelor?

                잠깐만요. 당신이 유명한 독신 ?

HARRY       Well, I wouldn't say I'm famous. 유명할 까지야.

ZOE           Yeah, didn't I read an article about you in New York magazine?

                     , 뉴욕잡지에 당신 기사 읽었어요.

HARRY       I guess some people find it interesting that I've escaped the noose for so long.

                 내가 그렇게 오랫동안 여자한테 꿰고 피해 다녔는지 흥미로웠나 보군요.

ZOE           That was the title of the article, "The Escape Artist."

                  제목이 그랬어, “ 탈출의 마법사

*A performer who entertains by escaping from confinement.


ERICA        I read that article. That was you? Well, you were once engaged to someone really big.

                Who was it? Joan Collins? No.

                나도 기사 읽었어. 그게 당신 이었어요? 어떤 유명인사하고 약혼한 있죠,

                 누구였더라? 조안 콜린스? 아냐.

*Born: 23 May 1933, Birthplace: London, England, Best Known As: Ageless star of TV's



ZOE           No. 아냐.

ERICA        Okay. Carly Simon? 그럼, 칼리 사이몬?

*Carly Simon was one of the most popular of the confessional singer/songwriters who

emerged in the early '70s.


ZOE           Yeah, somebody cool like that. Someone like that. Not Martha Stewart.

                   그래, 그런 멋진 여자였어. 그런 류의 사람. 마사 스튜어트는 아니고.

*The host of Martha Stewart's Living who was convicted of stock hanky-panky.


ERICA        No! Not Martha Stewart! 그럼! 아니지!

MARIN       You could just ask him. 직접 물어 .

HARRY       No, this is more fun. It's like I'm not here.

                아냐, 이게 재밌는 . 마치 내가 여기 없는 같네.

MARIN       Harry was once engaged to Diane Sawyer.

                   다이앤 소여랑 약혼했었어요.

*Anchor of ABC's Good Morning America


ERICA        What? ?

ZOE          Right. Diane Sawyer. I love her. 맞아. 다이앤 소여. 여자 맘에 들어.

ERICA        I'm impressed. 대단하네요.

HARRY       Yeah. Women your age love that about me. You know what I mean.

                , 당신 또래 여자들은 나의 그런 점을 좋아하죠. 아실 거에요, 무슨 말인지.

ERICA        Yes, I do. , 그럼요.

HARRY       I mean, it's not a bad thing to say, "women your age."

                당신 또래 여자라고 나쁜 뜻이 아니었어요.

ERICA        Oh, no. I'm sure it was a compliment.

                  그래요, 칭찬이었겠죠.

HARRY       It's just...an accurate observation. It's…

                  그냥관찰력이 정확해서

ZOE          So when was this? The engagement?

                 그래 언제였어요, 약혼?

HARRY       Long time ago. She was this adorable, lanky girl from Kentucky

                with the greatest pair of legs I have ever seen. Never understood her

                ending up on a job where she never showed them.

                옛날 얘기에요.  아주 사랑스러웠죠. 켄터키 출신의 호리호리한 여자였는데

                평생 최고의 다리를 가졌어요. 예쁜 다리를 보여 주지도 못하는 직업을

                선택했다는 이해가 돼요.

ERICA        You can't be serious. I mean, she's Diane Sawyer.

                She goes into caves in Afghanistan with a shmatte on her head.

                Who cares about her legs?

               농담이시겠죠. 다이앤 소여에요. 머리에 두건 두르고 아프가니스탄 게릴라

               소굴로 들어갔다고요.  누가 여자 다릴 보고 싶어 한다고 그러세요?



Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net

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