GIGI : Hello? Mom. I gotta call you back.
여보세요? 엄마. 나중에 전화할게.
Yoga Teacher: Inhale. Upward-facing dog. Look up towards the ceiling.
Look up towards the ceiling.
숨 들이 쉬고. 머리 젖히고 가슴 펴고. 천장 바라보세요.
천장 보랬잖아요.
GIGI : He ordered more drinks for us when the waitress came.
He remembered exactly what I wanted. He initiated the hug.
He said it was nice meeting me.
종업원 오니까 술 더 시켰어. 내가 뭘 좋아하는 지도 기억하더라구.
포옹도 먼저 했고, 만나서 반가웠다고 했어.
Janine : So wait. This was at the end of the date or the beginning of the date?
그러니까, 잠깐만. 데이트 시작 할 때 아님 끝날 때 그랬어.
GIGI : End. Why, does it matter? 끝날 때. 왜, 그게 중요해?
Janine : Yeah. ''Nice meeting you'' at the beginning of the date, that's normal.
''Nice meeting you'' at the end of the date.... It could be a blow off.
시작할 때 하면 정상이지만, 끝날 때 하면… 그만 만나자는 거지.
*She's going to blow off John because she's not interested in him.
; 구동사(phrasal verb) blow off는 기본적으로 불어 날리는 그림입니다.
I had my hat blown off. 바람에 모자를 날렸다.
우리가 열 받으면 steam 나온다고 하는데 영어에도 그런 표현이 있습니다.
사실 화를 낸다는 의미보다도 속에 있는 답답한 감정을 해소한다는 의미로
더 많이 쓰입니다.
스트레스를 날려버린다는 의미로 보시면 되겠네요.
Mike's shouting did not mean he was angry at you; he was just blowing off steam,
Children's museums are great places for young children to blow off steam.
여기서 의미가 확장돼서 흥 하고 콧바람 날리며 무시하고 회피한다는 의미로 쓰입니다.
If you blow off your homework, you're bound to run into trouble on the exam.
She's going to blow off John because she's not interested in him.
상대방을 한 방에 날려 버린다, 그래서 이긴다는 의미로도 쓰입니다.
With Park pitching, we'll have no trouble blowing off the opposing team.
GIGI : Maybe it was at the beginning. 시작할 때 했나 봐.
Janine : Okay. That's fine. He's gonna call. 좋아, 그럼 됐네. 전화 올 거야.
GIGI : Or maybe it was at the end. Or maybe it was just nice to meet me.
끝날 때 한 건가. 그냥 반가웠다는 건가.
Beth : Help. Hi. This is torture. How am I supposed to come up with something pithy
and dynamic to say about cinnamon blends?
도와 줘. 이건 고문이야. 계피 광고 어떡하면 간결하고 힘차게 할 수 있을까?
*Where am I supposed to go? 저더러 어딜 가라고요?
/What am I supposed to eat? 그럼 전 뭐 먹어요?
/Well, how am I supposed to know that? 내가 그걸 어떻게 알아요?
GIGI : It's hard to focus on nutmeg when the guy
who might be the guy of my dreams refuses to call me.
향신료 광고가 머리에 들어 오니? 꿈에 그리던 남자가 전화를 안 하는데.
Beth : After my first date with Neil I called him. There are no rules anymore.
And, I mean, why should you have to wait for him to get off his ass?
닐하고 첫 데이트하고 나서 내가 전화했어. 정석은 없어.
남자가 먼저 움직이기를 기다릴 필요는 없단 말이지.
*get off one's arse 서두르다.
GIGI : It's ringing. 신호 간다.
Janine : That's pretty standard. 그게 정상이지.
[DIAL TONE]: Hey, you've reached Conor. 안녕하세요, 코너 전홥니다.
GIGI : Yes! Voicemail. 좋았어! 음성 메일이야.
[DIAL TONE]:-Leave a message, I'll get back to you.
메시지를 남겨 주시면 전화 드리겠습니다.
Janine : Notes. 적어 놓은 거.
GIGI : Hey, Conor, it's Gigi. I just thought, I hadn't heard from you and how stupid is it
that a gal has to wait for a guy's call anyway, right? What does that say?
What's that say? Because we're all equal, right? More than equal. More women
are accepted into law school now than men. And, I mean, I don't know if you saw
that Dateline but women practically have penises now, right? So… Call me.
Oh, this is Gigi. Call me.
안녕하세요, 코너, 지지에요. 생각해 봤는데, 아직 당신한테 전화가 없길래,
여자가 남자가 전화하기만 기다리는 것도 우습잖아요? 뭐라 써 놓은 거야?
우린 평등하니까요. 평등 이상이죠. 요즘 여자들이 법대에 더 많이 들어가죠.
데이트라인 보셨는지는 몰라도 여자도 거시기 달고 다니는 시대잖아요.
전화 주세요. 전 지지에요. 전화해요.
Janine : Don't worry, he's totally gonna call. 걱정 마. 꼭 전화 할 거야.
Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information;
'영화해설 샘플강의' 카테고리의 다른 글
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