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[스파이 명월] 자꾸 이런 구설수에 올라서야 되겠나?

mike kim 2011. 8. 9. 06:00

Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

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영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요

스파이 명월

The angry fangirls rush Myeong Wol and attack with eggs.


강우팬: 너 같은 건 절대 안돼.  A woman like you? Absolutely not.


[Kang-woo comes down and shouts at them to stop.]

강우: 비켜! 당장 비켜!  Stand back! Immediately!

[He slaps her across the face.

He takes off his sunglasses to look her straight in the eye.]

너 해고야. You’re fired.


티브이: 한류스타 강우씨가 열애설에 휩싸였습니다.

Hallyu Star Kang Woo is involved in a scandal.

열애설 상대는 그의 여성 경호원으로,

The woman involved in the scandal is his female bodyguard,

늦은 밤 함께 있는 모습이 한 매체에 공개되었는데요,

A picture of them taken late at night was exposed to the media,

이 날이 강우씨 생일이자 드라마 시사회가 열렸던 날이라고 합니다.

It’ is said that it was probably taken on Kang woo’s birthday,

which was also the premier of his television drama.


Kang-woo meets with Chairman Joo, who’s not pleased with the recent gossip.

주회장: 열애설에 해고까지.

There was a love scandal, and you fired someone.

자꾸 이런 구설수에 올라서야 되겠나?

You don’t want to get yourself talked about again and again, do you?

*구설수에 오르다 be talked about behind one's back / be the talk (of)


강우: 죄송합니다. I’m sorry.


주회장: 그나마 아무것도 가진 것 없는 자넬,

가능성 하나만 믿고 여기까지 달려 온 건데.

Although you had nothing,

I’ve come this far, believing in your capabilities.  

만에 하나 이런 구설수에 무너지기라도 한다면,

If the news brought you down,

자네 뒤를 봐준 난 어떻게 되나?

What would happen to me who’d supported you?

본전 생각은 나게 하지 말아야지.

You shouldn’t make me wish to return to the way it was before.

내 다시 한번 말하지만, I’ll say it again,

오늘날의 자넬 만든 것도 나고,

The person who made you who you are is me,

그 자리에서 끌어 내릴 수 있는 사람도 바로 날세.

The person who can pull you down is also me.

잊지 말기 바라네.

I hope you won’t forget that.


On his way out, Kang-woo runs into In-ah and Ryu on their way in.

주인아: 강우야! 웬일이야? Kang woo! What are you doing here?

벌써 가게? 저녁이라도 먹고 가지.

You’re leaving already? Stay for dinner.


강우: 나 여기서 먹으면 체하는 거 몰라?

Don’t you know I always choke when I eat here?

*Choke on one’s food. 음식이 목에 걸리다.

/She choked (to death) on a fish bone.

그녀는 생선뼈에 목이 막혔다(막혀 죽었다).

참 인사가 늦었습니다.

Ah, my greeting is late.

지난 번 산속에서 구해주셔서 감사합니다.

You helped save me in the mountains. Thank you.


최 류: 아닙니다. No need to thank me.


강우: 그래도 거기까지 찾아와 주실 줄은 몰랐는데. 

I didn’t expect to see you there.

그땐 경황이 없어서 그만.

At that time I didn’t have the chance to say thanks.   


최 류: 제가 그런 인사를 받을 이유는 없는 것 같은데.

I don’t see any reason you should be thanking me.

그 쪽을 구한 건 제가 아니라 한명월 씨니까요.

The person who saved you was Myeong Wol, not me.


                                     영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭

Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

For more information;

해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요

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                  가격부담 없이 실전영어 능력 확실히 키워드립니다. 말 못하고 글 못쓰는 영어와 작별하십시오.


                                 효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요