Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net
가격부담 없이 실전영어 능력 확실히 키워드립니다.
말 못하고 글 못쓰는 영어와 작별하십시오.
효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요
◁해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요▷
스파이명월 http://www.kbs.co.kr/drama/spy/
Myung-wol jumps up with excitement
as she finally feels her heart race for Kang-woo.
리옥순: 색기란…그 남자를 보면 가슴이 짜르르 떨리면서,
The sensual energy is …such that when you see the man,
your hearts ripples and trembles.
저 남자를 내 거로 만들고 싶다,
I want that man to be mine,
만들고 싶다 하는 강한 욕망이 승화돼서 뭔가 이 깊숙한 곳에서 끓어오르는
뜨거운 기운이지.
A strong desire forms to bring forth something from the depths of your soul,
a passionate energy.
그게 있어야 남자를 넘어 오게 할 수 있어.
You need that to make a guy fall for you.
*fall for sb/sth: to be attracted to sb/sth; to fall in love with sb/sth
한명월: 느낌이 옵니다. 색기가 올라오고 있습니다.
I feel it coming. The sensual energy is arising.
리옥순: 설마 그 동무를 좋아하게 된 건 아니겠지?
By chance, you didn’t start to like that man, did you?
한명월: 네? What?
한희복: 그럼 안 되지. 포섭 대상을 진짜로 좋아하면 어떡하라고.
You can’t do that.
You’re not supposed to really like the object of your mission.
한명월: 말도 안돼! 가슴이 뛴다고 다 좋아하나?
Nonsense! Just because your heart beats, does it mean you like them?
난 맨손으로 적을 때려잡을 때도 가슴이 뛴다고.
My heart beats when I pummel and capture my enemies with my bare hands.
She runs into Kang-woo
and she bolts when her heart starts to race.
강 우: 어, 너! 야! You! Hey!
뭐야? 왜 저래?
What’s this? Why is she like that?
한명월: 순간적으로 놀라서 그런 걸 거야.
I’m probably just startled at seeing him, that’s all.
한명월: 정신차려, 한명월.
Snap out of it, Han Myung Wol.
*snap out of it: try to stop feeling unhappy or depressed; help sb stop feeling this way
/You got to snap out of it. 넌 얼른 훌훌 털어 버려야 해.
원래부터 남조선 인민들의 영혼을 갉아먹는 데는 남다른 재주가 있는 놈이라고.
He already has a special skill in snatching the souls of the southern republic.
절대 속아선 안돼.
You can’t ever be deceived.
강 우: 안 잤냐? You didn’t sleep yet?
[She inches away when he sits next to her on the couch.
So he lies down closer, and she jumps a few feet over.]
너 메뚜기냐? Are you a grasshopper?
뭐 이런 걸 보냐 재미도 없는 걸.
Why are you watching stuff like that? So boring.
[He changes the channel to a drama just as the characters are about to kiss.
Myung-wol grabs the remote to turn it off.]
너 왜이래? 사람 보고 있는데.
What’s wrong with you? I’m watching.
미쳤냐? Are you crazy?
The next day he asks Dae-kang if she’s mad at him or something.
이대강: 형한테 화가 난 것 같다구요?
You think she’s mad at you?
강 우: 그러지 않고서야 사람을 그렇게 벌레 보듯 하겠냐?
Why else will she look at me like some bug or something?
지난 번 리조트 갔다 온 뒤로 사람 쳐다도 안보고 신경 쓰이게시리.
Since the resort trip, she doesn’t even look at me.
She’s got me thinking about it.
이대강: 혹시 지난 번 리조트에서 무슨 일 있었던 거 아니에요?
By chance, did anything happen at the resort?
설마… 둘이 그렇고 그런 거에요?
Don’t tell me you two… you two really did something?
강 우: 아이, 아니라니까. I said no.
이대강: 하긴 형이 평소 명월씨한테 하는 거 보면 절대 그럴 순 없죠.
After all, the way you usually treat Miss Myung Wol,
there wouldn’t ever be anything like that.
강 우: 뭐? 내가 뭐? 평소에 어쨌는데?
What? Me, what? How do I usually treat her?
이대강: 아니 자기 좋아한다고 은근히 무시하고. 그러셨잖아요?
You purposely disregard her because she likes you. Didn’t you?
강 우: 내가 언제? When did I?
이대강: 원래 상처 준 사람은 잘 모르는 법이에요.
Typically, the one who causes the hurt is really unaware of it.
솔직히 완전히 미친 사람 취급하고 그러셨잖아요.
To be frank, you treated her as a complete lunatic.
Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net
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