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[여인의 향기] 처음부터 돈 때문에 접근한 거였어?

mike kim 2011. 7. 31. 06:00

Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

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가격부담 없이 실전영어 능력 확실히 키워드립니다.
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효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요

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영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요

Sae-kyung arrives to meet her father,

shocked to find her ex-boyfriend leaving Dad’s office.


남자친구: 이거 . Let me go in.


김비서: 회사로 찾아 오지 말랬지.

I told you not to come here, didn’t I?


남자친구:  잡상인 취급하지마.

 You don’t have to treat me like a peddler.

 찾아 오게 만든 누군데

 Who was it that made me come like this?


김비서: 얼른 나가 소란 피우지 말고.

 Stop making a fuss and just get out.


임세경: 놔요. Let go of that hand.

김비서 자리 비켜줘요.

 Secretary Kim, please give us a moment.


김비서: 상무님. Director.


임세경: 기하게 거에요?

Do I have to say it twice?

[Her demeanor softens.]

오랜만이네. It’s been a long time.

지내? Are you doing well?


남자친구:  가봐야겠다. I should get going now.

들키면 나만 곤란해져.

If we are caught together, it’s going to be bothersome.


[She storms into Daddy’s office up in arms.]

임세경: 무슨 짓을 하고 계신 거에요?

What are you trying to do?

사람 아직도 괴롭히고 계세요?

Are you still bothering that person?

왜요? 대체 ?

Why? Just tell me why?


임중희: 자식이 그렇게 말하던?

Did that jerk say that?


임세경: 헤어졌어요. We broke up.

그러라고 하셨잖아요. You told me to do that.

시키는 대로 했어요.

I did all that you told me to.

회사에도 들어왔고 원치도 않는 결혼까지 하겠다고 먹었어요.

I joined the company and even decided to marry someone you chose.

근데 약속을 지키세요?

But why aren’t you keeping your promise?

아빠가 이런 식이면 저도 약속 지켜요.

If you keep doing this then I won’t keep my promise either.

사람 다시 만날 수도 있어요.

I can start going out with him again.

둘이서 아무도 찾는 곳으로 도망쳐 버릴 수도 있다구요!

I can run away with him where no one will be able to find us!


[Dad plays her a recording of his conversation with her ex.]

임중희: 지난 번에 분명 마지막이라고 같은데.

I’m sure I told you last time that this should end.


남자친구: 3억만 투자하세요.

Just invest 300 million won more.

그럼 원본 사진 넘겨 드릴게요.

Then I will give you the negatives of the photo.



임세경: 무슨 이야기에요 이게?

 What is this about?


임중희: 10 바로 자리에서 녹음한 거다.

I recorded 10 minutes ago right here.

이것 외에도 아주 많아.

And I have many more than this time.

2007 이맘때, 놈이

In 2007 around this time, that scumbag…

너하고 만난 100일이 넘었다면서 예쁜 사진을 보내왔더구나.

sent me pretty pictures, saying it was your first 100 days together.

대가로 일억을 줬다.

I paid him 100 million won for those pictures.

뒤로도 수억이 들었다.

Even after that there were plenty other times.

아마도 죽을 때까지 돈을 요구하겠지.

He is probably going to come for money until he dies.


임세경: 말도 안돼. I can’t believe it.

그럼 지금까지 저한테 얘길 하셨는데요.

Then, why didn’t you tell me about this till just now.


임중희: 이런 쓰레기 같은 놈한테 이용을 당했다는 아는 보다는,

Instead of you knowing that you were used by this trash-like-guy,

사랑이라고 믿는 나을 같아서.

I thought it was better for you to believe it was love. 


[She calls her ex-boyfriend.]

남자친구:  여보세요? Hello?


임세경: 나야. It’s me.


남자친구:  세경이니? Is this Sae Kyeong?


임세경: 처음부터 때문에 접근한 거였어?

From the beginning, did you approach me because of money?


남자친구: 세경아 무슨 얘길 어떻게 들었는지 모르지만

I don’t know what you heard and from where but…


임세경: 닥쳐! Shut your mouth!

다시 구걸하러 오지마.

Don’t you dare come to the company again.

같은 쓰레기한테 없으니까.

Because there’s no money to be given to a rubbish person like you.

                                          영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭

Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

For more information;

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             가격부담 없이 실전영어 능력 확실히 키워드립니다. 말 못하고 글 못쓰는 영어와 작별하십시오.

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