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[여인의 향기] 은석아, 나 이번엔 변비 아닌 것 같아.

mike kim 2011. 8. 29. 06:00

Yeon-jae crumples to the ground in pain.

Thankfully, at the same time, Eun-seok is waiting for Yeon-jae

to show up for her postponed chemo session,

and he finally can’t take it any longer and calls to yell at her.


채은석: 외래가 다 끝나 가는데 네 이름이 없어서.

I’m almost done with outpatients, but I haven’t seen your name.

이틀 미뤄달라고 했으면 오늘쯤에는 와야 되는 거 아냐.

You asked me to postpone two days, so you should be here today.

도대체 어디서 뭘 하길래 항암치료를 빼먹는 거야?

Where exactly are you? Why aren’t you getting your chemo treatment?

*chemotherapy: the treatment of disease, especially cancer, with the use of chemical substances
/radiation therapy
방사선 치료.

너한테 지금 치료보다 중요한 게 뭐야?

Right now, exactly what’s more important than getting your treatment?


이연재: 은석아, 은석아 나 너무 아파.

Eun Seok, I’m in pain.


채은석: 너 지금 어디야? Where are you right now?


[An ambulance brings her to the hospital.]

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구급대원: 혈압이 너무 낮아요.

Her blood pressure’s very low.


채은석: 연재야, 야 이연재 정신차려!

Yeon Jae! Wake up!


이연재: 은석아, 나 이번엔 변비 아닌 것 같아.

Eun Seok, This time, it doesn’t seem like constipation.

*If you're constipated you should eat more vegetables and fruit.

변비에 걸렸으면 야채와 과일을 더 먹어야 한다.


채은석: 넌 지금 이 상황에서 농담이 나와?

Are you joking at a time like this?

연재야? 빨리 옮겨요. 빨리!

Yeon Jae? Quickly send her in. Quickly!


Her phone rings with calls from Ji-wook,

and Eun-seok decides to reject the first call and then pick up the second.

영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요

연결이 되지 않아 음성사서함으로 연결되며

The number you have dialed is unavailable.

You will now be transferred to voicemail…


강지욱: 아 뭐에요? 전화도 안 받고 사람 걱정되게.

What’s going on? You weren’t answering your phone.

I was getting worried.

집엔 잘 들어 갔어요? Did you get home safely?

내 말 들어요?

Can you hear what I’m saying?


채은석: 이연재씬 지금 전화를 받을 수 없습니다.

Lee Yeon Jae isn’t able to answer the phone right now.


강지욱: 누구시죠? Who are you?

혹시 그 의사 친구분?

Don’t tell me you’re that doctor friend.

도대체 왜 당신이 이연재씨 전화를 받는 겁니까?

Why exactly are you the one answering her phone?


채은석: 이연재씨가 지금 전화를 받을 수 있는 상황이 아닙니다.

In her present state, she’s unable to answer the phone.

나중에 통화하세요.

Why don’t you call again later?

[Eun-seok hangs up and shuts off her phone.]


강지욱: 여보세요? 여보세요? Hello? Hello?

[He calls again.]

전원이 꺼져 있어

The number you have dialed has been switched off…


채은석: 정신이 좀 들어? Are you awake?


이연재: . Yeah.


채은석: 좋은 꿈이라도 꿨나 봐?

Did you have a good dream?


이연재: . Mmm.

근데 나 갑자기 왜 그런 거야?

But, how did I suddenly become like that?


채은석: 담낭에 염증이 생겼어.

There is inflammation of your gallbladder.

그것 때문에 패혈증이 동반됐고.

This is also leading to sepsis.

열이 내릴 때까지 계속 항생제를 맞게 될 거야.

We will use antibiotics for it till the fever goes down.


이연재: 아 다행이다. What a relief.


채은석: 다행? That’s a relief?

네가 치료를 제 날짜에 받지 않는 바람에,

Because you didn’t receive your treatment on time,

임상시험은 물 건너갔고,

The clinical trials are no longer an option,

*It still was not an option for her to live here.

그 애가 여기 살기를 택할 수는 없다.

/Failure at this point is not an option.

현시점에서 실패는 있을 수 없다.

패혈증 때문에 몸 컨디션이 뚝 떨어졌어.

Sepsis has made the body become very vulnerable.

2차 항암치료를 받을 수 있을 지조차 알 수 없는 상황이야.

Whether you can endure the 2nd anti-cancer treatment, it is still unpredictable.

제발 정신 좀 차려.

Please come to your senses.

                            영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭

Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

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except in the case of brief quotations.

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