미드해설 샘플강의

[위기의 주부들] 결정은 늘 당신이 하고, 나한테는 동의하라고 하지.

mike kim 2012. 7. 5. 14:46

영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요









Rex is walking toward his golf ball on the course.

A golf cart with Bree in it approaches Rex on the course.

She gets out and walks toward him. She hands him a plastic container with a yellow liquid.


해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요




Rex What's this?  이게 뭐야?

Bree    Your son's urine.  당신 아들 오줌.

Rex    I'm gonna need a moment. 잠깐만요.  

Bree    I think Andrew has been smoking marijuana,

               so I want you to take this and get it tested right away.

             앤드류가 마리화나를 피우는 같아. 이거 가지고 가서 당장 검사해 .

Rex Why?  ?

Bree    Because I want you to pull him from the swim team

               and I don't think you'll allow it without proof. 

             당신이 앤드류를 수영팀에서 빼야 하니까,

               그리고 증거가 없으면 당신 그러지 않을 거니까.

Rex    Proof or no proof, you're not going to take him off the team. 

             증거가 있든 없든, 앤드류 팀에서 .  

Bree    Yes, I am.  거야.  

Rex    If you try, I'm going to go to the coach and tell him to ignore you.

              We're not gonna screw up Andrew's future just because he sparked a dooby!

              I mean, come on, we've all done it! 

           그럼 코치한테 가서 당신 무시하라고 거야.

             마리화나 했다고 인생을 망치자는 거야?  이봐, 우리도 했잖아!

*doobie, dooby - A word which can be used referring to cannabis or a joint/spliff.

《미·속어》 대마초 담배


Bree    Not all of us! Rex, I thought you moved back home to try

               and straighten Andrew out!

               To, to teach him the consequences of his actions.

               I don't understand why you're fighting me on this. 

             다는 아니야.  여보, 당신이 앤드류 문제 도와주려고 돌아온 알았어.

               자기 행동의 결과가 뭔지 가르쳐 주려고 알았다고.

               문제로 당신하고 싸워야 ?

*straighten sb out; to help sb to deal with problems or understand a confused situation


Rex Because I disagree. Because we're still getting divorced,

       and I don't have to let you push me around anymore. 

        찬성 하니까. 우린 이혼 거니까.

       그리고 이상 당신이 함부로 대하게 하진 않을 거야.

*push sb around; to order sb to do things in a threatening or unpleasant way

/ Who do you think you are, pushing me around? What a fool! I was a fool to fall for a

man like you. 당신 도대체 뭐하는 사람이야? 날 함부로 대하고 말이야. 내가 미쳤지. 당신 같은

사람한테 반했다니.


Bree I never pushed you around. We always made our decisions together. 

         그런 없어. 우린 같이 결정했잖아.

Rex    No, you always make decisions, and tell me I agreed.

              Eighteen years of smiling and taking it. What, what a liar I was!

              Thank God you're out of my life! 

           아니, 결정은 당신이 하고, 나한테는 동의하라고 하지. 18년을 웃으면서 참았어.

             나도 한심하지! 이제 당신하고 끝나서 속이 시원하네!

Bree   Rex!  여보!

[She throws Andrew's urine all over Rex.]

Rex    Hmmm? What the hell are you doing?  대체 무슨 짓이야?

Bree    The same thing you just did to every memory I have of our marriage. 

                결혼 생활 추억에 당신이 방금 짓이랑 같은 거야.

Rex    You know what? If you were my mom, I'd smoke pot too! 

              그거 알아? 나도 당신 같은 엄마가 있으면 마리화나 피울 거야.



Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net

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