☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요
Preparations are being made for the fashion show when Gabrielle walks in, coming up to John.
Gabrielle John! 존!
John My mom said you needed volunteers, so, I volunteered.
엄마가 자원봉사자가 필요하다고 해서요. 그래서, 자원했죠.
Gabrielle Oh! Finally got the charity bug?
오! 드디어 박애주의자가 오셨네.
*An enthusiast or devotee; a buff: a model train bug.
John You sound surprised. 놀란 목소리네요.
Gabrielle No, not really. You were always a giver.
아니, 그게 아니라. 넌 늘 베푸는 사람이니까.
John Would you knock it off? My mom's right over there.
그만 좀 하실래요? 엄마 바로 저기 계세요.
*knock it off used to tell sb to stop doing sth annoying 그만두어라; 잠자코 있거라!
Gabrielle Have a seat. You can start by helping us alphabetize the donation cards.
So word on the street is you and Danielle might break up.
앉아. 기부카드 알파벳순으로 정리하면 돼. 듣자니 다니엘이랑 헤어질 거라며.
*"word on the street" has it that~/ Rumor has it that a lot of workers will be laid off.
많은 직원들이 해고될 것이라는 소문이 있다.
John Maybe. I don't know. 아마요. 잘 모르겠어요.
Gabrielle Is that because of me? 나 때문이니?
John Not everything is about you. Would you stop that?
모든 게 다 그런 건 아니에요. 그러지 마세요.
Gabrielle Have you been thinking about me? 내 생각 했어?
John No. 아뇨.
Gabrielle Really? Could have fooled me. 그래? 날 바보로 아나.
Susan Hey, do you need any help? 안녕하세요, 도와 드려요?
Helen Please, just pull up a chair. Oh, gosh.
의자 당겨 앉아요. 이런.
Susan Oh, that's okay. I've got it. Ow! Oh!
오, 괜찮아요, 제가 할게요. 아야!
Gabrielle comes down her stairs to answer the door. Susan is there.
Gabrielle Susan, hi! Do you want to help with the seating cards?
수잔, 안녕! 좌석배치카드 만드는 거 도와줄래?
*Seating arrangement cards make your guests feel like you took the time to consider where they would be seated. Also place cards
Susan Sure. Do you want to tell me why you had your foot in John Rowland's crotch yesterday?
그래. 네 발이 왜 존 사타구니에 가 있었는지 그 이유부터 말해 줄래?
Gabrielle Oh, that! Uh... He was helping me adjust the seam in my stocking,
and from your angle, it must have looked a little weird.
아, 그거! 어…스타킹 주름 바로 잡아 준 거였어,
네 쪽에서 보면 좀 이상해 보였겠다.
Susan You're sleeping with him, aren't you? 너 걔랑 자는 거지, 응?
Gabrielle Okay, yes, but you have to promise not to tell anybody.
그래, 좋아. 아무한테 말 안 한다고 약속해.
Susan Gabrielle, he's in high school, and, it's illegal, and you're married.
If Carlos found out, this would kill him.
가브리엘, 걔 고등학생이야. 그건 범죄야, 넌 유부녀고.
카를로스가 알면 이 일로 그 애 경칠 거야.
Gabrielle It's just sex, it's totally harmless. 그냥 섹스야. 해 될 거 없어.
Susan How can you call something like this harmless?
After everything you know about what I went through with Carl?
어떻게 이런 일이 해가 없다는 거야? 내가 칼한테 당한 거 알면서 그래?
Gabrielle This isn't about you. 네 이야기 하는 거 아니잖아.
Susan Yes it is. It's about me, and about every other person who was screwed over
by somebody they loved. When Carl ran off with Brandy, you saw what a
basket case I was. I was crying, I, I was tearing up his clothes, I couldn't get out
of bed all day. You were right there. How could you do the same thing?
아니, 내 얘기하는 거 맞아. 그리고 사랑하는 사람한테 된통 당한 모든 사람들 얘기기도
하고. 칼이 브랜디랑 눈 맞아 달아나고 나서 폐인 된 내 꼴 다 봤잖아. 울고, 그 이 옷도
찢어 버리고, 하루 종일 침대에만 있었어. 너도 거기 있었잖아. 어떻게 똑 같은 짓을
할 수 있어?
*screw sb over to trick sb in order to obtain sth valuable from them; to treat sb badly, especially by telling lies/ You screwed me over. 넌 날 골탕먹였잖아
*to leave your partner or home to begin a new relationship with someone
* If you describe someone as a basket case, you think that they are insane.
양쪽 팔다리가 절단된 사람;무능력자, 폐인
Gabrielle Whh--How can compare me to Carl? That's not fair.
You have no idea what my life is like.
어떻게 날 칼과 비교하니? 이건 불공평해. 내 인생이 어떤지 넌 몰라.
Susan Well, why don't you enlighten me? You're beautiful, you have more money
than you can spend, and you have a husband who adores you!
그래, 어디 날 깨우쳐 주시지 그래? 넌 예쁘고, 돈은 쓰고도 남아 돌고,
남편은 널 끔찍이도 좋아하잖아!
Gabrielle No, he doesn't adore me. He adores having me.
아냐, 날 좋아하는 게 아니라, 날 가지는 게 좋은 거지.
Susan That's a rationalization and you know it! See you at the show.
그거 자기 합리화라는 거 너도 알 거야. 패션쇼에서 보자.
*and you know it - 아시다시피, 잘 아시겠지만
Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net
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