Audition day;
But they’re informed Soon-shin’s name isn’t on the audition list.
Jun-ho gets the confusing news from the director,
who tells him that Soon-shin was withdrawn at Mi-ryung’s personal request.
He rushes to Mi-ryung’s house.
효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요
송미령: 왠 일이야, 신대표가, 우리 집엘 다 오고?
What brings you to my house, Mr. Shin?
신준호: 어떻게 된 거죠? What’s going on?
송미령: 뭐가? What is?
신준호: 순신이요. About Soon Shin.
마음에 든다 하셨잖아요. You said you liked her.
키워보겠다고 하셨잖아요. And you wanted to make her an actress.
그래 놓고 지금 이게 뭐 하시는 겁니까?
But what are you doing to her now?
송미령: 나 또 뭐라고. Ah, about that.
가능성이 보이길래 시켜 봤더니 역시 아니더라.
I thought she has potential but now I realized she doesn’t.
내가 걜 과대평가 했나 봐.
I overestimated her.
어찌나 감이 없는지. She doesn’t have sense at all.
가르쳐도, 가르쳐도 못 알아 먹어.
I taught her over and over and she just didn’t understand.
내가 두 손 두 발 다 들었어.
I totally gave up on her.
같이 작품 했다간 큰 일 날 뻔 했어, 내 얼굴에 먹칠 하겠더라고.
If she had worked with me, she would’ve humiliated me.
그 애 안돼. 신대표도 일찌감치 접어.
You can’t make her a star. Just give up on her.
신준호: 걔한테도 그렇게 말씀 하실 거에요?
Are you going to tell her like this?
걔가 지금 얼마나 꿈에 부풀어 있는데요?
Do you know how excited she is about this?
이렇게 바람 잔뜩 집어 넣어 놓고 너 가능성 없다 그만 둬라?
You’ve been stirring up hope in her and now you want to make her quit?
*Surely enough it has stirred up both excitement and skepticism.
확실히 그것은 흥분과 동시에 회의론을 불러일으켰다.
/Walk carefully and try not to stir up too much dust.
조심스럽게 걸어서 먼지가 너무 많이 일어나지 않도록 하세요.
/He stirred up a hornet's nest in the meeting.
그 친구가 회의 때 벌집을 쑤셔 놨어.
그렇게 말씀 하시겠다고요?
Are you really going to tell her that?
Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information;
'한국드라마로 영어공부하자' 카테고리의 다른 글
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