Vanessa finds Ethan at the bar and calls him on his ‘tall tales’ in the show. She is looking for someone not afraid of danger and who is good with a gun. She then makes some deductions about Chandler almost as good as Sherlock Holmes. He accepts the night work without knowing what it is.
Vanessa: You didn't tell the truth. By my reckoning, you were a boy when General
Custer died and 'tis well known there were no survivors.
거짓말을 하시더군요. 제가 알기로는 커스터 장군이 죽었을 때 당신은 어린
아이였고 당시 생존자는 없었다는 건 잘 알려진 얘기죠.
*by my reckoning 나의 계산으로는
*George Armstrong Custer (December 5, 1839 – June 25, 1876) was a United States Army officer and cavalry commander in the American Civil War and the American Indian Wars.
Ethan: What we call a tall tale, darlin'. 과장된 이야기라고 하죠.
*tall tale: an improbable (unusual or incredible or fanciful) story
Vanessa: Exceedingly tall. 터무니없이 과장됐죠.
Ethan: Vice of my nation. We're storytellers. Join me, won't you? You saw my exhibition?
미국의 나쁜 버릇이죠. 우린 뻥쟁이들이에요. 합석하시겠어요?
제 쇼를 보셨네요?
* storyteller 비격식) 거짓말쟁이
Vanessa: Highly impressive, especially your finale.
아주 인상적이었어요, 특히 마지막이.
Ethan: Well, you gotta leave them wanting more, as we say in show business. And
what might I do for you?
사람들이 더 원하게 만들어라, 흥행사업에서 하는 말입니다.
제가 뭘 도와드리면 될까요?
Vanessa: I have a need for some night work.
밤일 할 사람이 필요해요.
Ethan: Oh, honey, don't we all? 다들 원하는 거 아닌가요?
Vanessa: I have a need for a gentleman who's comfortable with firearms and not
hesitant to engage in dangerous endeavors or was all that a tall tale as well?
총기도 잘 다루고 위험한 일도 마다하지 않는 신사분이 필요해요,
이 말도 과장된 얘긴가요?
Ethan: What do you think? 어떻게 생각하시는데요?
Vanessa: Expensive watch, but threadbare jacket. Sentimental about the money you
used to have. Your eye is steady, but your left hand tremors. That's the drink,
so you keep it below the table, hoping I won't notice. You have a contusion
healing on your other hand, the result of a recent brawl with a jealous
husband, no doubt. Your boots are good quality leather, but have been
resoled more than once. I see a man who's been accustomed to wealth, but
has given himself to excess and the unbridled pleasures of youth. A man
much more complicated than he likes to appear.
비싼 시계를 가졌지만 재킷은 다 헤졌어요, 예전의 가졌던 부를 그리워하죠.
눈은 흔들림이 없지만 왼손은 떨려요. 술 때문이겠죠. 그래서 탁자 아래로
숨긴 거에요, 내가 못 알아채도록. 다른 손에는 타박상이 있는데 나아지고
있어요. 의심할 바 없이 최근 어떤 질투심 많은 남편과 한 판 한 결과겠죠.
부츠 가죽은 좋은데 밑창은 여러 번 갈았네요. 부에 길들어져 있지만 자신에
게 지나칠 정도로 관대해 젊음의 쾌락을 제어하지 못한 남자가 보이네요.
겉모습 보다 훨씬 더 복잡한 남자에요.
*go[run] to excess 지나치다, 극단으로 흐르다.
Ethan: So, it's a job, this "night work?"
그래, 이 밤일이라는 거, 삯일 이겠군요?
Vanessa: Yes. 네.
Ethan: Something of a criminal setup?
범죄 같은 건가요?
Vanessa: Would it matter? 상관 있나요?
Ethan: Not at all. 전혀.
Vanessa: Then why ask? 그런데 왜 묻죠?
Ethan: Show's heading off to Paris, pretty soon.
곧 쇼가 파리로 갑니다.
Vanessa: The job's tonight. 이 일은 오늘 밤 합니다.
Ethan: Is it a murder? 살인인가요?
Vanessa: Would it matter? 상관 있나요?
Ethan: One smile and I say yes. 한번 웃어주면 승낙하죠.
Vanessa: Meet me at this address at eleven o'clock.
이 주소에서 11시에 만나요.
Ethan: I don't know London. 런던 지리를 모르는데.
Vanessa: Then ask a policeman. 그럼 경찰한테 물어봐요.
Ethan: You have a name? 댁 이름은 있나요?
Vanessa: Yes. 그럼요.
Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information;
'미드해설 샘플강의' 카테고리의 다른 글
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