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[나도, 꽃] 시민폭행으로 징계받으라고요?

mike kim 2011. 11. 24. 10:56

After handling a disturbance,

Bong sun gets out of the building and sees Jae hee,

영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요


서재희: 완전 땀 사람이네.

Completely like a different person.

아까는 그냥 지나가는 행인이었는데,

Just now you were just a passer-by,

, 이렇게 변신을 하나.

Wow, what a transformation!

변신로봇이야, 변신로봇.

Simply a transformer. Transformer.

언제부터 노린 거요, ?

Since when you started to watch for a chance to beat me?


차봉선: 누가 거기 있으래요?

Who asked you to be there?


서재희: 때릴 거면 저 자식을 때려야지 왜 날 때려, ?

If you want to beat someone, just beat that punk over there.

Why beat me, why?

해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요


차봉선: 시민폭행으로 징계받으라고요?

You want to receive disciplinary action

because of your violent act toward the citizen?


서재희: 나도 시민이야. I am also a resident of this city.

고소할까?  Should I file a complaint about you?


차봉선: 그새 잊으셨나? Did you forget so quickly?

딱밤.  Finger flicking at me.

나도 맞고소할까요?

Should I bring a cross action?


서재희: 폭행이 아니라 애정이지, 그것도 구분 못해?

That was not violence, but friendly affection.

You don’t know that?


주차팀장: 아이그, 이 자식이 이게

This punk really…

이것도 폭행이 아니라 애정이다 임마!

This is also not a violent act!


서재희: 왜 머리를 때리고 그래요?

Why did you hit me in the head?


주차팀장: 화장실 왔으면 그냥 볼일 만 보고 나올 일이지.

When you go to the toilet, just do what you need to do there.

참 오지랖이 태평양이셔.

How meddlesome you are!


서재희: 어떻게 아셨어요? How did you know?


차봉선: 뭐 하는 분이에요?  What does he do?


주차팀장: 대리주차요. Valet parking.

Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

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