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[나도 꽃] 어따 대고 빨대를 꽂아?

mike kim 2011. 12. 1. 12:15

Dal gets out of the car but doesn’t enter the apartment building.

She ends up going to a dingy boardinghouse.

Her date walks into the boardinghouse kitchen

as she fills her expensive bottle with water.

영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요


남자친구: 어쩐지 비리다 했어.

No wonder, I smelled something fishy.

대학원생? Postgraduate student?

그런 학생 없다던데.

They say there isn’t any student like you.

이름이 두 개라도 돼나?

Don’t tell me you have two different names!

아버지는 교수, 어머니는 뭐?

Your father is a professor, your mother is… what?

현모양처? A good wife and a loving mother?

한국대학에도 그런 사람 없던데.

There is no such person at the university either.


Could it be he is a security guard?

아니 오피스텔에 왜 들어가다 말어?

That’s why I was wondering how come you didn’t enter

that upper class residential apartment all the way.

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김 달: 멀쩡한 직장인들이거든.

They are regular white collar workers.

낙오자 취급하지마.

Don’t treat them as people who are good for nothing.


남자친구: 넌 이미 낙오자야, 낙오자.

You are indeed a good-for-nothing, good-for-nothing!

어따 대고 빨대를 꽂아?

Who do you see me for that you are so persistently digging into my wallet?


김 달: 빨대 좋아하시네. Digging into your wallet?

네가 빨대 꽂아 먹을 만큼 먹을 게 많은 줄 아니?

You really think you are so precious that you are worth my effort?

너 코코넛 밖에 안돼.

You are only as big as the palm.

벗기기만 힘들지, 먹을 건 쥐뿔도 없다고.

What a waste, there’s not even a tiny bit of you that’s useful.

알아? You know that?


남자친구: 인간 쓰레기! Human trash!

효과만점 mikekim 일대일 온라인 영어- 클릭하세요


김 달: 쓰레긴 너야!

You’re the one who is trash!

너 나 왜 만났는데? Why do you want to be with me?

예쁘다며?  Didn’t you say I am beautiful?

가정교육 잘 받아서 좋다며?

Didn’t you say that I have a good family upbringing and you like me?

근데 스펙없다고 이제 와서 뭐?

Now that you know I don’t have that excellent background,

you start with this trash talk?

그래, 네 껍데기가 좋았어. Fine, I like your background.

대기업 다니고, 아버진 부장판사고, 땅 많고 집 많고.

You have a good job at a large enterprise, your father is a senior judge,

with a lot of real estate and money.

너도 내 껍데기를 좋아한 거잖아?

Didn’t you also like my appearance?

너랑 나랑 뭐가 다른데?

What makes you so different from me then?

Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

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