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[하이킥3] 진희, 요즘도 낮술 많이 하나 봐.

mike kim 2012. 1. 2. 06:36

Nae-sang drops by the neighbors house
to borrow some green onion for the wife,
and takes a few beers from the fridge while he
s at it.
So Julien teases Jin-hee about drinking her afternoon away
when he finds that he
s missing some cans, and she gets defensive.


유선: 옆집 가서 대파 있으면 하나 만 좀 빌려와.

Go to the next door and see if you can borrow some green onion.


안내상: 박선생 없어?  Teacher Park, are you there?

나중에 얘기하지 뭐. I’ll tell her later that I took some.

맥주도 두어 개 빌릴까? Should I take two more cans of beer?

영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요


줄리엔: 진희, 요즘도 낮술 많이 하나 봐.

Jin Hee, recently you have been drinking even in the day.


백진희: ? 무슨 낮술을. 안 해요.

What? Drink in the day? No, I don’t.


줄리엔: 낮에 내가 맥주 식스팩 사서

I bought a six-pack of beer this morning,

두 캔 마시고 넣어 놨는데

I put the rest back I after I drank two cans,

딱 한 캔 남았는데.

There’s only one left now.


해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요


백진희: 저 안 마셨어요. I didn’t drink.


줄리엔: 그래. 우리 집에서 맥주 마실 사람 진희밖에 없는데.

Is that so. Other than you, there’s no one else who drinks beer.


백진희: 저 안 마셨다니까요, 진짜.

Seriously, I just said I didn’t drink it.

제가 집에 있는 거 하나도 안 축내고

I didn’t touch anything at home

오히려 돈 벌어 드리겠다고 선언까지 했는데.

I promised to earn a lot of money,

그걸 왜 막 마셔요.

How can I drink that so conveniently?

언니 혹시 안 드셨어요?

Ha sun, perhaps you drank it?


박하선: 아니, 너 자다 걸어 나와서 마신 거 아냐?

No, did you come out and drink while you’re sleeping?


백진희:  저 낮잠도 안 잤어요.  I didn’t sleep in the day!

저 진짜 아니에요. That really wasn’t me.

냄새 맡아 보실래요. Come smell my breath.

냄새 맡아봐요. 어서. Try to smell it, smell!

Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

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