☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요
Tae Kang’s father is upset that Tae Kang spent his tuition money on a motorcycle.
His father threatens to cut off their family ties.
박광석: 야 임마 너 그 돈이 어떤 돈인데 임마!
Do you even realize how that money was earned?
허리 뒤틀리고 무릎 망가져 가면서 꼬박 3년 동안 모은 돈이야.
With a twisted sore back and bruised knees, it took me 3 years
to earn that money.
내 영혼이 담긴 돈이라고!
That money had my everything in it!
근데 그 돈을 저깟 거지 깽깽이한테 쏟아 부어?
But you spent it on this piece of garbage?
박태강: 대신 대학 안 가서 등록금 굳었잖아.
But I didn’t go to college and got the tuition back.
박광석: 안 간 거냐 못 간 거지.
As if you had a choice to attend or not.
법은 비록 우릴 갈라놓지 못했어도
Even though the law didn’t let me take you off of the family register,
*적에 올리다[빼다] have one's name entered in[removed from] the family register.
내 마음은 이미 너를 버렸다.
I’ve already decided to throw you away.
Tae Kang topples his bike trying to avoid the rushed Ji An who runs out in front of his bike.
황지안: 괜찮아요? Are you ok?
박태강: 갑자기 튀어나오면 어떡해요?
Why did you just run out in front of me?
황지안: 아니, 여기 사람 다니는 횡단보도잖아요.
Wait, this is an area for pedestrians.
박태강: 장난하나? 우리 비욘세 다친 거 안 보여요?
Are you joking?! My Beyonce just got hurt!
이게 얼마짜린데.
Do you realize how much this cost?
황지안: 아무리 그래도 사람 다친 게 먼저 아냐?
Even so, shouldn’t the person’s health come first?
박태강: 뭐 괜찮아 보이는 구만.
Well, you look fine to me.
혹시 보험 사기단 아냐?
Are you a member of insurance fraud group?
황지안: 야, 너 오늘 나 갈 길이 바빠서 너 산 줄 알아.
Hey, you’re lucky I’m busy today!
그리고 앞으로 눈 똑바로 뜨고 운전해!
From now on, look out while you’re driving!
Ji An doesn’t have the time so she runs off,
But traffic is in a complete standstill. Ji An comes back.
황지안: 오모, 많이 긁혔네요. Oh my, it’s really scratched up.
수리비 좀 나오겠는데요.
The repair bill is going to be substantial.
박태강: 누구 약 올려요?
Are you trying to piss me off?
황지안: 수리비 내가 내줄 테니까,
I’ll pay for the bill,
저 좀 태워주죠?
So why not give me a ride?
Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net
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